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Everything is dark. It feels as if I am in a dark spiral that is endless. There seems to be a source of light, like the one at the end of some tunnel. It is coming closer. I can see a familiar shape come towards me. It's getting closer and for some unknown reason, my anxiety is increasing. I can see it. It is a fetus. It looks really familiar. There is a ring of fire around it. It slowly opens its eyes. It looks at me. Its eyes are full of hatred.

'Do you recognize me?' It asks.

'I am your twin that you pretend to care about.' No. It can't be. This cannot be true. He is here, but how?

'Here you are, living a life that I should be living. You took everything from me. You are the beloved daughter. You will become the Alpha. You will get your wolf today. Maybe will find a mate too. You are doing every single thing that I should be doing. You are a murderer. A killer. I hate you.' He says.

I get up. My breathing shallow. I look around me. It was a dream. A nightmare. I try to control my breathing. I still can't believe it was a dream, it was all so real. I can't expect anything from this day. Just the starting is dreadful and horrific.

I get out of my bed and get ready. I go into the kitchen and see my mum.

"Good morning sweetie, Happy birthday. I hope you have a great day and a wonderful future, honey." She tells me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Thank you mom." I reply, smiling.

"Here, have some breakfast." She says, offering me my favorite chocolate waffles.

"Um, no, thank you but I am not really feeling hungry." I lie. I just don't want to puke again. My mom nods, reluctantly.

"Happy birthday sweetheart. I am so glad today you will get your wolf and you will be even more powerful." My dad wishes me as he enters the house.

"Thank you dad." I reply. Is there anything he cares about except power?

Then I go back to my room. I don't have training today because it's my birthday. I can't help but think about the nightmare I had. Should I just let it slide or was it a sign? Did he really hate me? Is he out there somewhere planning a revenge on me? I shake my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. I am just overthinking it.

I feel it again. That sudden urge to just purge out everything. But I haven't even eaten anything. I don't know what to do, so I go to the bathroom and try to puke. I can't. I am just dry heaving, when I feel a wave of unbearable pain pass through my body. I know what it is. I am shifting.

"Mom, dad, I am shifting. It has started." I manage to choke that out. I manage to get out of the bathroom with my remaining strength.

As I reach my room, another wave of pain shoots through my body. I can feel tears welling in my eyes. The pain is too much. I can feel myself getting dizzy. I am on my knees. I feel my mom and dad come into the room and hold me.

"Aubree, breathe, breathe. Look at me. You have to breathe. Take slow, even breaths." My dad tells me. But it doesn't help. The pain is too much for me to do anything. My breathing gets more uneven.

"LOOK AT ME, AUBREE. BREATHE. BREATHE IN. NOW BREATHE OUT." My dad screams in front of my face. I try to follow him.

I try to stand up, but a wave of pain throws me to the ground again. Nothing is clear. My head is dizzy. My vision blurred. I can feel my legs shifting.

My hands slowly turn into paws. I notice the white fur on my body. The shifting continues till I am fully shifted into a white wolf. I look at my mom and dad and see that they are bowing in front of me.

'Why are you bowing to me?' I question them through the mind-link.

"Aubree, look at you. You are a white wolf. It is very rare, almost unheard of. You are the strongest wolf to exist. You are an Ace wolf. I am so proud of you." My dad tells me. My eyes widen. I. Am. The. Strongest. Wolf. I still can't believe it. Suddenly I can feel a presence in my head.

'Hi Aubree, I am your wolf. My name is Akari.' My wolf tells me. She talks to me for the first time.

'You have an amazing name. I am so glad to have you with me.' I tell her.

'Thank you. Akari means light in Japanese. You can guess it's because of the color.' She laughs

'Of course, I have a feeling we will get along really well.' I tell her, smiling.

I shift back to my human form.

"I can't tell you how happy I am. You will definitely be the strongest Alpha. Everyone will be in awe of your powers." He speaks while embracing me in a hug.

All he cares about is the powers that I have now. He is not happy for me. He is happy with Akari's powers. As I was thinking, I feel Akari getting a bit restless in my head.

'What happened?' I ask her

'Mate. Our mate. He is around.' She tells me and I get nervous.

"Mom, my wolf is telling me that our mate's around." I tell my mom.

"That's amazing, honey. Be ready to meet your mate." Instead of reassuring me, she gets more excited.

I get really anxious. Akari is jumping around in my head, getting excited and giving me a headache. What if he rejects me? I would be alone forever. I just can't stop the thoughts.

Then, suddenly the doorbell rings.
Question of the day:

What do you guys think about Akari? Do you guys like her?

Please reply in the comments.

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