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Aubree’s POV

It is early in the morning and I am sitting here on an island stool, waiting for my dad. He is always there at the time of training, maybe he is busy today. I sit there, waiting for a while.

“Aubree, come to the pack house, today you will train with Beta Eric.” My dad’s voice suddenly booms in the mind-link. I get startled and fall off the stool. Yes, I am a bit clumsy.

“Okay, I will be there.” I respond him in the mind-link. I get off the ground and get ready to head to the pack house.

“Bye mom, I am going to the pack house.” I tell her.

“Bye honey, take care.” She tells me and I head out.

I walk towards the pack house, while greeting people on my way. The pack looks so lively. People are getting on their work. Children are playing around with each other.

I reach the pack house and ask one of the warrior about Beta Eric. He gives me the directions and I head in the direction. I reach the training grounds and find him.

“Good morning, Eric.” I greet him.

“Good morning, Aubree. How are you?” he smiles and asks me.

This is Beta Eric Collins. Oh yes, he is Lucas’s father. Same honey blonde hair as Lucas. Same green eyes but Lucas’s are a bit brighter. He is truly loyal to my father and the pack.

“Good. How are you?” I ask him.

“Great. So how does your father train you?” He asks me.

“Oh yes, why my dad isn’t training me today?” I ask him.

“Well, there are rogues at the pack border.” He tells me with a scowl.

“But they weren’t attacking for so long. Why would they do it all of a sudden?” I ask him, confused.

“They are getting stronger. Every wolf that is abandoned from a pack or who leave the pack themselves are getting together and forming a pack of their own.” He tells me, anger clear on his features.

I was shocked after knowing this. Dad never told me about it. We then started training without talking any further.

Lucas' POV

I was sitting on my bed and scrolling through my phone. After some time I get out and walk down to the kitchen to have water.

On my way back, I stop in front of the door of the room my mom and dad shared. My dad started staying in the guest room, after my mom’s death. She was killed in a rogue attack.

I sigh and walk inside the room. I look at the pictures on the wall and feel tears welling in my eyes. My mother was the kindest lady I have known. Olivia Collins. Looking at the pictures, I felt a pain in my chest but still I didn’t look away.

Maybe, this too is a way of hurting myself. Maybe, like this I can punish myself for not being able to do anything when my mother was killed. I do not know what to do of this pain hidden inside me, so I hide it there. I keep telling everyone that I am fine in an attempt to convince myself too, but I can’t.

My father and I don’t talk about mom. We grieve and mourn silently in our own ways. We keep silent and it’s like the silence speaks for us. It is there, in the tension, heavy in the room, begging us to talk about it, but we still don’t. Maybe, we are too afraid to show each other our vulnerable sides.


I am 10 years old and mom is taking me to a park to play. I am so excited to play and make new friends. We walk to the park and I rush and sit on one of the swing set. I start swinging higher and higher.

My mom warns me telling that I would fall. I didn’t listen to her and kept swinging higher. Soon I felt like I was going to fall and shouted for my mom, she rushed to me but I had already fallen.

My knees were a bit scraped and I start crying. My mom comes to me and lifts me up. She is very worried. I can see it on her face. Suddenly, I start laughing.

“I am okay, mommy, I am okay, see.” I tell her.

“You scared me.” She scolds me playfully with her signature sweet smile on her face.

I laugh lightly at the memory with tears in my eyes. I sob silently while looking at the pictures. I miss her so much. If it weren’t for the rogues, she would be here with me.

Aubree’s POV
The training gets over and the rest of the day passes by in a blur. It’s time to meet Lucas and I head towards the forest. I wait for a while and see him coming. A smile is instantly plastered on my face.

“Hey, why didn’t you come yesterday?” He greets me with a question.

“Well, hello to you too, mister.” I say sarcastically.

“Come on, answer the damn question.” He says, rolling his eyes.

“Um, I slept early.” I answer him, hoping he doesn’t catch my lie.

“Oh.” He says. He catches my lie but doesn’t point it out and I am grateful for that.

“I trained with your dad today.” I tell him, changing the topic.

“Why?” he asks, clearly confused.

“Rogues attached today. Dad was busy with that.” I tell him. I see his eyes go black for just a moment when he heard 'rogues', signaling that he is angry but they quickly went back to normal.

“Are you okay? Is there a problem? You can tell me.” I ask him, a bit confused at his sudden behavioral change.

“Nothing.” He says nonchalantly.

Well, I guess everyone has their own secrets. Everyone has a dark side which they keep hidden. We then talk about other mundane stuff and head back to home. I can’t stop thinking about what he could be hiding from me. Though, it isn’t like I don’t have any dark secrets. He doesn’t know about my twin. And it is better that way.

Question of the day:
Do you think Aubree should talk to someone about her life?

Please answer in the comments.

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