Kyto, Nyku, Yohioloiv, ritsu

15 2 0

Me: hello what are your names?



Girl2: Yohilovoiv

Guy dressed as a girl: Ritsu.

Me: what the heck?!

Kyto: we are vocaloids. Based on a site were u buy an anime character and thiere electronic voice. They also go on concert tours with 3d perjectuon.

Me: ok then...

Ritsu: we actully, were forced, to start a band.

Me: that's sounds fun!

Nyku: we all hate music.

Me: oh...not fun...

Kyto: nope.

Me: well I'm afraid I don't know much about your fandom so...

Yohioloiv: not OUR fandom! Geez!

Me: oh sorry...well i can't really help...sorry...

Ritsu: really?! 'Cus I'm not transgender can you at least help with that?!

Me: no...I can't...sorry.

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