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Raja used to be bored within the palace. Every day looked the same. He had to wake up around five in the morning to clean the pools and the fountains. Then, he'd feed the king's pets before the other servants started to wake up. He preferred to do his work that early to avoid judging stares.

Was it his fault that his father dated a foreigner? No. Did he ask to be born? No. Yet, everyone seemed to hold him accountable.

It was fine, though. Raja felt lonely at times but he enjoyed his own company. Plus, he had the pets. Namar, the two lions, the cougar, and the hundred of cats he took care of were his best friends. Animals didn't care about how you were born and their love was truly genuine. Raja didn't need any other socialization.

Or at least, that's what he thought.

Everything changed when the young queen came. Raja wasn't allowed to welcome her with the other servants when she first arrived. He just watched, hiding behind a wall and the first thing he liked about her was her skin: dark, smooth and glowy. The queen looked different from the other women of his kingdom. She also had a beautiful smile. No one could deny that. Raja heard the Harem's girls complain about her attitude but even they had to admit that she was pretty.

When she noticed him on her wedding night, Raja had been scared. He thought she'd treat him like everybody else but of course, the queen had a good heart. She saw him as a human being and not some sort of freak. That's why for the first time, Raja wanted to have a friend and no one could fit that role better than her.

But a queen and a servant could never entertain that type of relationship. He'd just have to fantasize about it.

He snapped out of his daydreaming when the female lion of the king woke up from her nap. The days were only getting warmer and the poor felines were sleeping more to escape the heat. Her big eyes settled on Raja and the servant brushed a hand over her back.

"How is the cub doing?" He asked, now rubbing her stomach.

She would probably give birth very soon. Raja couldn't wait to see tiny lions running around in the garden. They would keep him very busy, at least. He wouldn't have much time to think about his pathetic life. 


The young boy was startled by the king's voice. He silently approached and was now standing right behind him. Raja stood up from his crouched position and bowed. He rarely met the king, especially by himself. Raja would always try to leave before he'd come to this part of the palace to see his pets. He'd usually come around four in the afternoon but he was early that day.

King Hassan had his arms locked behind him. He wore a light linen shirt and Raja could see a few drops of sweat traveling from his forehead and running all the way down to his neck.

"Is she feeling well?" He asked, referring to the lioness, rolling on the grass.

"Y-yes. The royal veterinary checked on her and the other pets this morning. She will deliver very soon."


King Hassan nodded, satisfied. He reached out to greet the lioness while her male companion came out of their assigned chamber. Both were glad to see their master.

If Raja admired the king, for one thing, it was for his kindness towards animals. It would be perfect if he only had half of that kindness towards humans. Raja fisted his hands as he remembered that one conversation he heard a few years back, between the king and his counselors.

He was encouraging the killing of a few Romanians, captured during war. The young servant was particularly hurt by that because his own mother was Romanian. She was killed when Raja was very young. He couldn't even remember her face. King Hassan wasn't the one who ordered her death because he wasn't in power at that time. Yet, Raja doubted he'd have done things differently. 

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