And will Chapter 13

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I have all my plot figured out this book will be ending soon so...Angst good luck

Izuku's P.O.V

I was walking to class alone when I heard there voices "Hey Deku Todoroki said you finally got over your temper tantrum and are ready to help us again I'm so glad" Uraraka Ochaco's voice was bubbly and sounded happy but I flinched as she spoke nodding slowly   Tenya began to speak going on a lecture about how I should be ashamed of my self I kept my gaze fixed on the floor "Oh and Izuku darling I want your phone I have to unblock my self it seems you accidently blocked me" her voice left no room for argument digging it out of my backpack I handed it to her she began smirked I couldn't see what she did but I knew it wasn't unblocking herself she handed me back my phone

"Oh and I deleted some useless contacts" I immediately began looking through my phone to see what she had done but I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I noticed Mina's contact was gone from my phone so was Denki's, Hanta's, Ejirou's, and Katsuki's I felt my heart break when I saw the insomniacs group chat was gone the only contacts in my phone were Ochaco Uraraka, Shoto Todoroki. Tenya Iida, and Tsuyu Asui my mother was there to but that was different I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped almost dropping my phone "so will we be training tonight" I nodded he removed his hand from my shoulder then I heard a yell

"Izu there you are we have been looking for y..." she trailed off when she noticed me standing with the 'Dekusquad' a confused look flashed through her eyes "Izu what are you doing with them are you alright" I couldn't look her in the eyes "I'm perfectly fine" I managed to force out turning around "Izuku wait what's going on" she pleaded I felt tears well in my eyes but I kept walking as Uraraka followed me everyone else trailing behind her we got to class I sat down in my usual seat and stared at my desk.

⁓ Time skip after class⁓

I was in the gym with Todoroki showing him a way to apply his new move when Ejirou and Kachan came into the gym and spotted me "OI IZU THE HELL WAS UP WITH YOU TODAY" I flinched when he yelled at me "Yeah bro and why are you with him?" he asked me I looked at the door that was closest to me "Bye Todoroki" I mutter before sprinting to the door "Oi Izu get back here" Katsuki yells I use my quirks to get to the dorms faster zipping inside my dorm room and slamming the door shut locking it behind me as soon as I'm safely in my dorm I collapse against the door sobbing I hated this I hated myself for letting this happen I gasped for air trying to calm myself down was my secret worth it I wasn't even sure I couldn't stop the tears but I was able to quite my sobs I heard a knock on the door 

"Izu it's Denki and Hanta" that was definitely Denki "we know your in there look we don't know what's going on or why you won't talk to any of us but remember we are always here for you" that was Hanta I held my hand over my mouth to stop from letting out any sobs I hear\\d a small sigh "Were worried about you Izu but we will wait remember you can always come to us" Denki again I heard the two leave and broke down completely I couldn't move I couldn't see through my tears I sat there for an eternity calming myself down I needed something to do to forget about everything so I started working on school work by the time I had finished the lights in the hallway were out it was silent and dark outside my eyes hurt from working in the dark my back hurt from sitting against the door for so long I was tired but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I stayed up staring at the ceiling of my dorm until the sun was peaking through the curtains of my balcony I had gotten 1 maybe 2 hours of sleep that hadn't happened in a while the last time I had stayed up this late was because of Uraraka so I guess I shouldn't be surprised I looked at the time on my phone and noticed it was only 4:00 am I still had a lot of time before school started but it was better I got to class early so that I could avoid all confrontation with my classmates I wish I could just forget and return to the light hearted times when me and Mina would talk about everything for hours or gaming with Denks and Eji relaxing with Hanta and Kachan chatting with the Insomniacs I shook my head I couldn't cry again I looked bad enough as it was.

It's gonna get worse I'm sorry any way how are you guys I hope your all doing well and staying safe I love you all and I hope you have a good day 

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