Never chapter 14

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Sorry this chapter took so long I haven't had any will to write but were in the final stretch Kings Queens and Royals in Between  so prepare for angst 

Izuku's P.O.V

I was the first to class my stomach hurt I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday but I found that I was to tired to care the door to the classroom opened and Iida walked in he walked up to me straight away and started lecturing me about how impolite it was foe me to have left Todoroki last night how I was an awful friend and how unheroic it was I found myself believing him but not because I left Todoroki because I was ignoring my real friends a real hero would stand up to them I was useless the door opened again and I saw Uraraka enter with Tsuyu and Todoroki she marched right up to me.

"Who gave you permission to leave Shoto yesterday I mean seriously how awful are you gods you owe us all something" she ended her words with a smirk and I felt my heart sink "I think Todoroki should get to pick what you have to do for us wouldn't you agree Izu" her words taunted me but I nodded anyway 

"Well since he was so rude as to make me lose practice I think we should get to practice a bit on him after all he is just a quirkless freak" Shoto said hissing the word quirkless into my ear as a reminder of the fact that I truly was powerless in this situation I visibly tensed when I heard the word but nodded anyway the two of the Uraraka and Shoto just smiled other people filled into the classroom and class started.

The day had ended and Uraraka, Todoroki, Tsuyu and Iida, had their fun my body ached I winced in pain as I walked to my room my legs felt stiff from Ice my which was weird because I also felt weightless thanks to Uraraka's quirk  I felt dizzy thanks to both Tsuyu and Iida I stumbled to my room without running into anyone thankfully and collapsed onto my bed

I felt numb absolutely numb it had never been this bad before they made fun of me and asked or money without ever returning it they loved to push my boundaries to see how far they could take it the abuse but never before had they done this deleting all my contacts using me for quirk practice they had been so nice the first half of our first year then they found out I remember that like it was yesterday we were at my house my mother had accidently mentioned it I remember them pretending not to car I had felt so relived then a few days later it started the suffering the pushing when they figured out I wouldn't retaliate they pushed further and further until I snapped they didn't like that but it hurts knowing they never really cared or maybe they did before they new but that seems so distant like a different world or a false reality but at the same time it seemed so recent that they cared for me I missed it but I knew they were gone my friends instead replaced with monsters how I miss my carefree days of peace Mina and Denki, Hanta and Ejiro, Katsuki, the Insomniacs I sighed sleep came to me eventually giving me freedom from this reality even of only for a few hours.

I hope you enjoyed and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy remember to eat even if its only a little food 

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