Once chapter 12

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Here we go hope everyone enjoys the chapter it's uh...interesting 

Third person P.O.V

Class 3-A was currently doing solo training and Izuku was talking to his friends about what they could work on thanks to his analysis skills he noticed how to improve their fighting styles or quirk usage and by the time that class had ended the five other students in the Bakusquad were grinning with glee and new ideas for their hero careers Todoroki looked particularly pissed because Izuku had been helping him on a special move before he had left the 'dekusquad' 

Izuku was chatting with Denki Hanta and Mina explaining how they could electrically charge Hanta's tape or Mina's Acid to create a powerful knockout move that would be good for capture missions the three seemed pretty exited to try and began discussing the best way to do that safely when Izuku noticed Todoroki approaching the group his smile dropped and his face turned emotionless 

"Hello Izuku" Todoroki spoke in his usual motions voce but you could see anger behind his eyes upon speaking Mina Hanta and Denki all froze and turned to glare at Todoroki who held up his hands 

"Calm down I just wanted to know when Izuku would continue helping me with my new move" he said shrugging Izuku turned to his friends and smiled "don't worry guys go on ahead of anything bad happens I can handle it" they nodded knowing he wouldn't tell the, to leave unless he was confident he could handle the situation Izuku turned back to Todoroki 

"I told you not to call me that also I'm not going to there are plenty of other people who will help you with this ask them and leave me alone" he said his face settling into a glare Todoroki rolled his eyes and glared back at Izuku 

"Okay I tried being 'polite' but me and everyone else are done with you're little temper tantrum we get that you needed time and we gave you plenty of that but we're done with your bullshit get over yourself now your going to help me I mean it would be a shame if your secret got out now wouldn't it if all your new friends knew the truth" he smirked when the color drained from Izukus face the boy nodded 

"I'll text you the time and place" he muttered before stumbling back he turned and began walking tears clouded his vision he ran to the bathroom turning on the isn't and splashing his face with water he dried his face off and retuned to the dorms hiding in his room he couldn't let that secret get out no matter what everyone would look at him differently he couldn't handle that he soon fell into an uneasy sleep

Izuku's P.O.V

I gasped sitting up straight I covered my eyes with my hands trying to control my breathing eventually when I could breath normally I reached over to my bedside table grabbing my phone I turned it on noticing the the time was 2:35 am I groaned and saw multiple missed texts from the Bakusquad asking if I wanted to hang out where I was if something had happened with Todoroki I sighed and turned my phone back off I couldn't respond now it was to late in the night or morning I know I can text the insomniacs but I really didn't want to bother them so instead I sat in bed trying to distract myself from my nightmare but I remembered it so vividly I got up and felt my legs move on their own I just needed to move around so I paced in circles just breathing by the time my phone alarm rang I had calmed down almost completely which was nice I guess. 

Hi I have no idea where this is going well I kinda know but anyways I hope you all are enjoying the story and I hope you all are doing alright but remember reality is an illusion meaning has no meaning life is a hologram buy gold bye 

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