Chapter: 11

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The car ride to the cafe was definitely interesting. Peyton kept complaining about how she's the only single one in the group even though there's only three of us. Plus, Aj and I aren't even dating. Yes, I am going to ask him on a date, but that doesn't mean we're dating. At least I don't think so. She wouldn't listen and said that she'll find herself a girlfriend soon. After that whole conversation she kept teasing Aj about his crush on me. I still can't believe it.

We make it to the cafe in about 10 minutes and park in an empty space. There isn't many people here so it was quite easy. Aj gets out first, then me, and finally Peyton. She locks her car doors and pockets her keys before joining us at the entrance. I'm holding the door open, so she just walks right in with Aj following behind. I walk in behind them and ask them what they want.

"Can I get a hot chocolate please? With a muffin?" Aj asks.

"Yeah, I want hot chocolate too but with a chocolate chip cookie" Peyton pipes in. I nod and hear a voice speak from behind me.

"That's a good choice. I get that almost everyday" a girl who looks around our age says. Peyton turns around and I can tell she finds her pretty.

"So this place is that good huh?" She asks, pretending she's never been here before. The girl nods and walks closer to us.

"Yeah, it's one of the best cafes around. No doubt about it."

Peyton hums and smiles brightly.

"Well, I'm Peyton and these are my friends, Aj and Blake" she introduces herself and us.

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Kayla" she says and walks up to the counter when her name gets called. She's about to walk away when Aj stops her. He has a smirk on his face and glances at Peyton.

"Would you like to sit with us?" he asks politely. Peyton pinches his side which he ignores making me laugh quietly.

"Sure. Beats staying at home with my annoying brother" Kayla says, holding a cup in one hand a bag in the other. She walks over to a booth that's by a window and slides in one side. I sit on the other side, Aj sitting down beside me quickly. That leaves Peyton next to Kayla. Ohhh, I see what he's doing. Peyton blushes when Kayla smiles at her and turns away. Aj pipes up as he sips his hot chocolate.

"Do you want to join our gay club?" Peyton kicks him under the table making him wince and glare at her. She smiles sweetly and drinks her own hot chocolate.

"You don't even know if she's lesbian" I whisper lowly causing Kayla to enter our conversation.

"I'm bisexual. Does that count?" Aj nods and I follow by saying yes. Peyton stays quiet for some time before speaking up.

"We're all hanging out after this? Do you want to join us? I mean you don't have to.." she trails off.

"Sure" Kayla agrees and takes a bite out of her cookie. We all finish and each leave a tip. We walk over to Peyton's car and she pushes me to the back. I get what she's doing I think to myself and climb in the back with Aj. Peyton gets in and soon Kayla does too.

"Where are we going?" I ask as Aj asks for the aux cord. Peyton thinks for a moment before shrugging.

"I didn't think of that."

"We can go back to my house. I doubt Greg is back yet" I suggest. Aj nods and looks at Peyton to see she's doing the same.

"Blake's house it is" she drives away from the cafe and heads to my house.

"How old are you guys by the way?" Kayla asks.

"I'm 16 turning 17" Aj says first.

"I'm 17" I say next.

"So am I" Peyton says after.

"Cool, cool. I'm 17 too" Kayla tells us.

"How come I'm the youngest" Aj complains. We all laugh and I wrap my arm around his shoulders, pulling him to me.

"You're also the cutest" I flirt. He blushes and hides his face from me.

"See, this is what I mean. I'm the only single one" Peyton whines. Kayla looks up from her phone and joins in on the conversation.

"I'm single too" she says. Peyton gawks at her and almost crashes the car.

"You are? I don't believe it. You're so beautiful and nice and funny" she rambles. She soon stops and blushes after realizing what she just said. Kayla laughs and puts her phone away.

"Thanks Peyton. You're all those things too" she says, her laughter dying down and a smile on her face.

"We need to get those two together" Aj whispers to me. I nod and we soon make it to my house. The door is unlocked so we all just walk right in.

"I'll get some stuff for us. You guys can go to my room, it's pretty easy to find" I tell them. Peyton nods and leads Kayla to my room. Aj stays behind and helps me get some stuff. He moves closer and whispers to me as if someone is listening.

"We're definitely getting them together" he tells me.

"How are we gonna do that?" I whisper back while taking chips out of a cabinet. Aj finds packs of candy and holds it in one arm.

"We'll think of something when we get in your room. Do you think this is enough?" He asks, motioning to the stuff we have in our hands.

"Should be" I tell him as we make our way to my room. He nods and opens my door with his free hand. We see Kayla and Peyton sitting close together and laughing at something on their phone. I agree with Aj.

We have to get them together.

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