Chapter: 9

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I must've fallen asleep, I think to myself as my eyes slowly open. Yawning, I lean back and look towards the direction of my window. There wasn't any light outside, so it must still be night or really early in the morning. My body screams in pain and I lean back against my dresser. The nap I had was pretty good considering I was on my floor and leaning on my dresser. I hear soft snoring and look down to see Aj laying his head on my stomach and the rest of his body in between my legs. Wonder how we got into this position.

He must be uncomfortable, I mean I would be. He looks like he's sleeping peacefully though, making me wonder if I should move him or not. I decide it would be best if he's in my bed instead of the carpeted floor. Aj's pretty light making it easy for me to pick him up. I place him in the middle of my bed and take off his shoes along with his jacket and set them on my desk. After that, I pull my cover over him and sit down with a sigh.

Last night Aj said that my brother wouldn't be back until tomorrow but who says he isn't back now. My head starts to hurt from thinking of all of the possible scenarios that could've happened yesterday. Even so I'm glad Aj stopped me doing the unthinkable. I almost broke my promise to myself. I almost got to my lowest point and I'm thankful that he pulled me out. My body still hurts and there's a first aid kit in my bathroom. I got one about a few months ago when I realized that I couldn't keep going to the hospital almost everyday.

The first aid kit is in my bathroom which is luckily connected to my room. I didn't want to risk running into my brother. Especially at a time like this and especially when Aj is still here. Sitting on my bathtub, I reach over and grab the kit. Bandages and peroxide are probably the only two things I need. I'm not a doctor or anything but it should be enough for me to hold out. About to start cleaning my cuts, Aj walks in rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you up?" He asks closing the door behind him. I hold up the kit and bandages to show him.

"I woke up not even twenty minutes ago and couldn't go back to sleep. I figured I'd at least clean up some of my cuts" I tell him while setting down the kit but keeping the bandages in my hand. Aj walks over to me and crouches down before taking the bandages from my hand.

"Let me do it" he offers and I hand him the peroxide. It might be better anyway if someone else were to do it. I'd probably make it worse.

"Are you okay?" He continues to ask me questions, to distract me from what he's doing.

"I'm fine" I answer with short answers and stare at him as he cleans up the cuts on my chest. Yeah, it got that bad. He looks up and catches me staring at him. Blushing, he looks back down and wraps a bandage around my chest and starts to work on my abdomen.

"What?" He asks still looking down.

"Nothing, I was just thinking. You really are a good friend. I mean who else would stay with their broken friend at the ass crack of dawn and help them with this" I motion to my bruised body. Aj laughs lightly making me smile. It's good to smile, to know that I'm not taken over by the darkness.

"I'm only doing this so you can take me out for ice cream again" he jokes making me laugh in return. He smiles up at me his eyes lighting up.

"I like your eyes" I say out of the blue.

"W-what?" He says in a questioning tone, the blush that was gone, now coming back.

"You're eyes." I say gesturing to them. "Are beautiful. So is your smile" I continue. Aj sits quietly for a moment before speaking.

"Thank you" he says in a whisper. I nod and ask him if he's done yet.

"Patience. A good doctor like me needs hours to make his patient perfect."

"Oh, right, right. Like the time you made me perfect by using a wet rag for over 3 hours" I tease. He punches my arm making me fake wince. He puts down the bandages and looks at me worriedly.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you, I forgot" he rambles coming closer to me. I look up, a smile on my face making him confused.

"Just kidding" I say now laughing. Aj pouts and crosses his arms.

"Just for that I'm not helping you anymore."

"Aww come on doctor, this patient needs perfecting" I tell him, cupping his cheeks.

"You have to give me another piggy back ride when you feel better and more ice cream" he says, a smile creeping onto his face.

"You got yourself a deal" I say still smiling. Aj soon blushes and looks away from me.


"We're just..super close is all" he mumbles.

"Does it bother you how close we are?" I tease him again, making him redder then before. He could be mistaken for a tomato. He doesn't answer making me come closer. My hands are still cupping his checks as I move closer to him.

"You can't ignore me now" I tell him. We're so close that if Aj turned his head we would be kissing. I wouldn't mind that but Aj's my friend. I know he's into guys and everything but he wouldn't be into me. Simple as that.

"W-we should go lay back down" he suggests, still not looking at me.

"You're right" I tell him but make no effort to move. "Oh you have something on your cheek, look at me really quick."

Aj believes me and looks my way. I press my lips against his for a slight moment before standing up in my spot.

"Now we can go lay back down" I tell him and head back into my room before jumping on my bed. Aj comes in soon after me and jumps on me, missing the spot next to me completely. I groan in slight pain making Aj laugh.

"That's for teasing me" he starts off. He then leans down and kisses me for a quick second. "And that's for not giving me a chance to kiss back" he says, now moving off of me. I shake my head, smiling and get under my dark blue covers. Aj follows and we were soon fast asleep.

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