Fun For All That Children Call Their Favorite Time of Year

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Also posted in "Their Future"

If the Christmas tree is still up in my house, I can still write Christmas fics lol😅 Hope you enjoy it!

Christmas 2037

Like every Christmas since 2021, they all spent Christmas together at the Lighthouse. It was always fun spending time together, especially now that the kids were growing up. The majority of them were now in their teenage years. Even though they all grew up significantly, they all loved spending time together during the holidays.

All the kids were huddled in the room that previously was their playroom but had been transformed into a hangout room when they got older. Alya was now twenty-two, Isabelle was now eighteen, Michael and Lillianne were now sixteen, Francisco was fifteen, Damien and Christopher were fourteen, Penelope was twelve, James was eleven, and little Eleanor was now ten years old.

"Okay," Isabelle began. "How do we make this Christmas special for our parents? They already do so much for us. I mean, it's the least we could do."

"Maybe something to do with their past adventures?" Lillianne added.

"I like that idea," Francisco said. "But how would we do it? We really did have to cut it this close to Christmas, didn't we?"

"When have we ever done anything on time?" Michael asked.

"Michael's got a point," Alya said. "We're terrible at this."

"We do have to make it special though," Damien said. "Our parents have saved the world how many times during those seven years?"

"Too many times," James added.

"Ellie could probably draw a few things," Penelope suggested. "She does constantly see things from their past adventures."

"Um, yeah. I think I could do that," Eleanor said.

At only ten years old, Eleanor already had her inhuman gift. About two years ago, she, Penelope, and James were messing around the Lighthouse near where some terrigen was kept. They were rough-housing and they accidentally bumped into one of the containments. Penelope, thankfully, moved away quickly, knowing that if she came into contact with it, she'd turn. Eleanor wasn't as lucky. Thankfully, her power was more mental than physical, which Daisy was glad about given that both she and Kora struggled with controlling their physical powers when they first went through the mist.

Eleanor's gift was that she could see the past. Similar to Robin Hinton, who could see the future, Ellie became sort of closed off from everyone for a little bit after going through the mist as images from the past played in her mind. They brought in Robin to talk to her and help her out. She inherited Robin's technique of drawing the events out on paper. Because of doing this, her drawing skills were above average for a ten-year-old. It was through doing this that the team was able to figure out that she saw specific events from their adventures and past missions.

Many of them found it funny that the daughter of the man out of time's power was to see the past.

"Are you sure, Ellie?" Lillianne asked. "I know recent events you've seen weren't that great."

"I'm fine, Lilly," Ellie said. "I'm pretty sure I won't be seeing mom getting beat up by Gideon Malick again for at least a little while. The more recent things I've seen were pretty good." Eleanor giggled a bit, a moment from the past playing in her mind.

'What are you seeing now?" James asked.

"Let's just say your mom and my mom have a lot of explaining to do regarding an alien casino."

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