I'm Just Gonna Keep on Waiting (Underneath the Mistletoe)

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Post Series Finale

Fitz and Simmons were in the kitchen cleaning up their Christmas dinner in the cottage in Perthshire. For the first time since they joined SHIELD, they were able to spend Christmas in a home that they got to call theirs. 

Sure, they truly did miss the team, but they did have a Christmas Eve framework call with their family. They were glad they all agreed to have these framework meetings once a month. Soon, they wanted to have Christmases physically together again. Maybe, someday, when the others start having kids, they would get to do that.

"Remember the Christmas where Coulson had us all compete at gingerbread house building?" Fitz asked as he washed the dishes.

Jemma let out a small laugh. "Yeah. Those were certainly the days."

Fitz laughed as well. "Yeah, watching May almost burn down the kitchen at the Playground and watch Hunter totally freak out all while laughing is definitely something."

"It was during this time you were fully convinced we were cursed," Jemma added.

"Hey, but we made it," Fitz defended. 

Jemma nodded. "I fully believe our relationship was written in the stars. We were always meant to be."

"We aren't the only ones that were always meant to be," Fitz mumbled. Jemma look at him, confused, and wanting to know more of what he was talking about. "So I didn't tell you this because I felt like you wouldn't be able to keep it to yourself."

"Why not just use Diana to make me forget?"

"I felt it more fun this way," Fitz said. "Anyway, when I was looking through the time stream, I noticed one constant through all the different timelines."

"Which was?"

"Daisy and Daniel," Fitz admitted.

Jemma's jaw practically fell upon hearing that. "Wait, what?" Fitz nodded. "So no matter what we did, Daniel always ended up with us, and he and Daisy got together in every single one?"

Fitz nodded again. "But that's not all."

"Do tell."

"Even though we proved that when you change something in the past, it turns into a whole new timeline, but I also found that we are simultaneously living in a loop."

"A loop?" Jemma questioned. "How so?"

"I searched through the timestream to find the complete original timeline of how things were truly supposed to play out, and what I found is that Daniel was originally supposed to die on the train."

"The train?" Jemma asked once more. "But I thought he always died at that hotel. You know, landing face-first in the pool. That's what the SHIELD history books said."

Fitz shook his head. "His original death happened when Hyrda attacked him on that train. Guess who that is in the pool in the history book photo of his death."

Jemma's eyes grew wide. "Coulson!?" Fitz nodded. "So what you're saying is that we didn't change the timeline that instance when we saved him and that we always saved him? Wow."

Fitz and Jemma continued to reminisce when their four-year-old daughter came running in, clearly something hidden behind her back. "Momma! Daddy!"

"Monkey, what are you doing out of bed?" Fitz asked, putting Alya on his shoulders. "You know Santa's not going to come unless you're fast asleep."

"I wish Auntie Daisy was here for Christmas," Alya said. "You guys always said she was the funnest person during Christmas time."

"We wish she was here too, sweet girl," Jemma said.

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