Christmas Won't Be the Same Without You

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Set right before Season 4

Things around the Playground have been pretty somber since the Hive incident that happened back in July. SHIELD now had a new director that the team didn't quite 100% trust. On top of that, they were all separated.

Fitz and Simmons were still in the lab, but they had totally different ranks of position. May was an instructor to new recruits and was currently in charge of forming a new strike team. So far, the only candidate that she was approved for the team was Piper, who had helped them out during Hive. Coulson and Mack were on a field team that left base for several weeks at a time. One of their missions was to bring Daisy, who had run away and is now a vigilante named Quake, home.

It would be an understatement to say that this type of Christmas was not one they all had planned for at all.

May walked towards the lab, a tray of hot chocolates in hand. She spotted Fitzsimmons, discussing new materials the field team had sent in samples of. "Found out, anything?" May asked.

Jemma shook her head. "Whatever this stuff is, it's not in any of the SHIELD databases. This is all brand new."

May noticed Fitz tiredly rubbing his eyes. "Got any rest lately?" she questioned, showing true concern for the young scientist.

Fitz shook his head in response. "The director's got us working around the clock. Seems to not care at all that it's Christmas," Fitz huffed. "At least Coulson minimized the number of missions we had during the holiday season."

Suddenly, Jemma's phone answered and sighed when she hung up. "Speaking of the director," she began, "I apparently have a meeting with him this instance." She turned to Fitz. "I wish I could stay and help more, but duty calls."

"No, that's fine. What time do you think you'll be back?"

"Before bed, if that's what you're wondering," Jemma answered.

Jemma and Fitz shared a kiss before parting ways. Seeing the two of them finally get together and love each other made May's heart warm up a little bit. Without the two notice, she gave them both a warm smile. Before Jemma was fully gone, she handed her a cup of hot cocoa. Jemma gave her a smile before heading off.

"So, things are pretty good between you and Jemma?" May asked. "I noticed you two are sleeping in the same room together now."

Fitz began blushing red and stuttering. "H- How... How did you..."

May gave him a face that said really. "I'm offended, Fitz," she teased. "After all this time, I'd think you knew me by now, and how nothing really gets by me."

"Wow," he started. "It must be some Christmas miracle if Melinda May is cracking jokes and teasing." May couldn't help but smile at the young Scot. "However, I can think of a few miracles I would like to happen."

May nodded in agreement. For Coulson and Mack to be home. For Bobbi and Hunter to not have been disavowed. For Lincoln to still be alive. For Daisy to come back home and be safe from all the danger she's putting herself in. For the team to be back together and full once again. 

"You want to stay here for a bit?" Fitz asked, breaking May from her thoughts. "I could use the company. Not too familiar with all the new agents and scientists yet."

May sighed. "As much as I would like to, I can't tonight. Cause speaking of new agents, I have to file through a whole bunch of applications and files just to make sure the new strike team is more than just me and Piper."

Fitz smiled, knowing May was working hard on this new team. "Well, then, good night, and Merry Christmas."

May placed another cup of hot cocoa on the lab counter, which Fitz happily accepted. "Thanks. And Merry Christmas to you Fitz. I hope you and Jemma enjoy the rest of your night together.

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