D-6/ Blue Side

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D-6 Theme: Fall/Cold Weather

Do you ever felt what gonna happen for a person that usually met many people but suddenly in a blink he's alone, should be stayed at home for unknown period.

It is october. It is my month. But i felt alone, cold, lonely, and sad. Do you ever understand how lonely i am? I've been wasted my time almost the entire year.
I lost my boyfriend.
Because, his hands crave me but never seem to love me entirely.
Is that hurt? When you just hanging on a person who doesnt need you?

(*clock noises)

Oh its raining outside. I was sleep for a while sorry.
My dream was so blue. I want you eventho actually you said no.
I want you inside my eyes.

Well i would be lying if i said i didnt settle as long as i could feel you next to me.
Do you even remember the warmth of my hands hug your cold skin? Share the pain, hugging for the entire night after going out somewhere.

No matter what circumstances, i always felt home with the cold of your body on mine even it was just temporary? Am i look too pathetic?
I am searching for an affection in a place i dont belong like it was forever.

I want to be your yellow but it just come out that i am just your blue.
Like i want you to hold me, no intention of holding me, like they are afraid to lose me.

You are my favorite cold, tho i want to be wanted all the time and you just cant give me the thing i want.
Because when the summer come you'll leave your cold with me. You start your warm summer without me...

Left me hanging in a cold blue weather you said you'll always love the cold with your hot coffee under the rain back then.

There are a fallen leaves, like a lot. You used to clean up the leaves and drown me inside the pile of leaves.

Now i wonder who'll clean up the leaves and drown me inside of those piles, Min Yoongi?

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