D-2/ Broken Arrow

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D-2 Theme: Supernatural/Fantasy

Disclaimer: i am not an native, if the fiction i made contain a mistake about the history, let me know 😊😉
Happy reading! 💕

Yoongi, a succesfull young producers, a great archer that won many medals, known as a descendants of Apollo's. Being a descendants of certain gods means you got some of their 'ability' or you could say their curse.

Yoongi got, a great archerig skills, good musician, and people say he's so propechy, but all of that top skills he's kinda lack of luck in love. Just like his ancestors, he loves a person who always rejected him in any possible way.

It was told that Apollo rejected by Daphne the Nymph. But, Yoongi hasnt meet a descendants of the Daphne the Nymph, not yet. Maybe descendants of the Nymph never existed. Yoongi hasnt found the one in his entire life. All of this mess, about the flaws in him besides all of the perfect aspect of him were caused by a cupid arrows of Eros, god of love.

There's only one descendants of Eros around Yoongi, that person is his singer, Park Jimin. Eros is a god of love, also his ability is inherited inside Jimin presence. All of those ability, couldnt make Yoongi find his love of his life.

Today Jimin has a recording schedule for his new album and Yoongi songs kinda always make a hit. Yoongi is the best producers at that time, and Jimin is the best singer that catch a love by so many people who love his songs.

Hot100, most popular song, and if you saw in every marriage, there are Jimin song's in it, to show the love they had on the wedding day they said.

Little did they knew, after the great mind, their ability help them to made those hit song for the entire world.

'Want a drink tonight? Bill on me.' Jimin ask Yoongi to hang out after the day they put on effort making a song together this day.

'Is okay bill on me. Let me finish my job here. Wait on your room. Just a sec.' He said that with his eyes still on a screen.

They go to their relatives pub, Jung Hoseok is the owner. A performancer that retire early just because he's scared about the hype for him. That high demand of Jung Hoseok is because of he's a son of a Aphrodite. Yeah, people love him. Faliing in love with him. But Hoseok seems tired with the attention he got so he choose to leave those entertainment work and start do a job here. He still do his job using his ability in his small pub, had a little risk they said.

Jimin and Yoongi, is a friend of Jung Hoseok.way long ago on the academy. He doesnt understand why, this two kids could be friend while their ancestors isnt on the good relationship together back then. Yoongi seems nice to be around Jimin eventho he knew, Jimin ancestors made him couldnt get the love he want, but still he could be amthe one call away when Yoongi needs a help.

Aphrodite is also the goddes of love and Hoseok, could see that between those two people. The one thing he dont understand is why they are not dating or even understand the feeling they had in between.

Hoseok made a drink and watch them from afar coming in and start to sit in front of him. Hoseok smiling and know what he gad to do for his two besties here.

'Cause of Jimin songs is already recorded, i made a special drink for you'

Hoseok serve two glass of cocktail with a strange sparkle galaxy color. The both drink it in a second. And Hoseok smiling happily watch them drinking.

'Well i guess you both got the best luck and fate so our acestors wouldnt be mad at us. God bless us everyone.'

Hoseok leave them to talk and make him busy make an order for the another costumers.



'You first' Jimin shake his head and wait Yoongi to talk.

'Well... i think Hoseok give me something inside my drink, because i see clearly what my head wanted to eventhough i shouldnt do this but..'

Yoongi's word isnt finish but his lips is kissed by Jimin.

'I know what u gotta say, and i clearly understand why we dont catch this feeling sooner...'

Jimin rushed his face around Yoongi chest because he's shy about his own words.

Hoseok watch them and start to singing happily that they start to recognize the feeling they had.

Jimin should throw an arrow to Yoongi and let Yoongi dies by his one sided love but it turns out Jimin, got the broken one for Yoongi so the feeling is mutual between Yoongi, and greatly, with him, the descendants of god of love himself.

Yoongi may be not found his Daphne, but he Found his Eros. This thing they would never understand but it actually happened around them. That finally God slowly hear the song he made. That finally the fear about lost the love he had, probably there but no, God hear his song.

"Apollo even the swan sings of you.

As it lands upon the banks of the river Peneus.

The sweet-singing bard sings of you

First and last with his high-tuned lyre

Hail lord! Hear my song."

-Homeric Hymn to Apollo

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