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Rainbow base

Knight's pov

Now I must explaint it to Six. It will be hard. "Jane, please, tell it to other operators. I will tell Six."

"OK" said.

Six's office

time skip

Six: "WHAT?! Impossible, so where is he now?

Paul: ''I don't know but he said he will be in the base of White mask." 

Six: "Ok now you can go."

I went away to find Karina, soon I found her in cafeteria with other operators.

Karina: "Paul said that Y/N just disappered." said sadly.

Caveira: "You mean Y/N died?!"

Karina: "Sorry, I don't know but Paul knows."

Paul: "Y/N was hit by blue lighting and disappered."

Monica: "and he's ok???"

Karina: "Yes, he is in walkie-talkie, said: "I am in base of white mask and I'm ok, good luck" and over, Y/N is alive but we don't know where is he. 

Megan: "He will be ok."said in positive tone.


When I woke up I thought I'm somewhere in some bulding not in the base of white mask.!!!

I am hiding in shadow and waiting for opputunity.

???: "I hope Rainbow will die soon."

???2:"yeah right"

I heard voices and scolded when I heard something.

???: "I hope our new tactic will work."

And that is it what made me attack. I grap her and killed one and ask second.

NINJA: "What kind of tactic?"

WM: ...........

NINJA: "Tell me and you will die fast or you can be quiet and dead will be slow and painful.

I can see fear in his eyes.

WM: ''Ok we attack something and when Rainbow arrived our snipers started to shoot.

NINJA: "Ok thank you. Say that I am sending greetings to Satan." I said and pushed sword to his heart.

OK I maight get scared another. I decapited dead WM and threw his head deep to the base, after this I ran away to hide somewhere and wait for reaction and soon it happened.

????:"Who the fuck done that?!"

???2: ""Rainbow maybe here!!!??"

????: ''No, this is Ninja's style so only one qustion..where is Ninja and where is Knight''

???2:"Maybe is here Ninja alone?"

????:" No he never attacks alone."

???2: "Look! Blood path from head let's check it out!"

When WM saw his body they were fucking scered so I arrived  behind them with pripered sword.

???2: "What do you think where is he now."said scared

NINJA: "Maybe behind you" I said in scary voice.

They turned around and tried to shoot me but I with one swipe of my sword, I decapitated them.

While Ninja was doing his job he didn't notice cameras.

Lone Ninja (Male reader and OC x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now