A&P showgrounds Pukekohe Auckland Champs

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This is what it came too. 3000m I race I champion. The weather had been miserable the past week , I was quite suprised it was on! I got to school in my P.E gear ready for a long, grueling day ahead of me. I was called out of class and was told to go to the front carpark immediately. I was meet there by our sports coordinator. We were off heading towards our destination, it took around half an hour to finally get there. We were one of the first ones there, we were wondering if it was still on or it was cancelled.

We were told we had to go see these people to get our names ticked off the list that we were competing. I was sooo nervous, to make maders worse we were going last. This was the most nervous moment in my life, it was even worse then last year. There was the most people I have ever seen in one area at once, there was around 50 schools! Including us little South Auckland schools compared to Sacred Heart. 

We were finally called over. I remember saying to somebody else from another school in South Auckland ¨ I don't want to do this anymore¨. I'll say there saw around 100 other sudents I was racing against. I was at the back, it took around 10 seconds for me to just cross the start line! I was finally away trying to barge my way through the crowd. 

It was the last lap, I was nacked, I was around 20th I was trying to run up a steep hill as fast as I could, I wasnt't going very far but I was making inroads to the person that was infront of me. Last striaght I was saying to myself ¨now or never¨. I'm passing heaps of people towards the finish it was going to be hard for the people saying what position people came in. There i was sprinting my litlte heart out. 10m.. 5m.. 1m... finished. I came in 10th I was pretty happy with myself, with this kid trying to push infront of me. The good thing was I didn't have to wait for any other year groups to finsh. I decided to go back to school for same strange reason. 

I was glad I didn't have to run any more further, I limp back to the car. My parents were very happy with my efforts with my mum watching from the side and talking to my dad on the phone on the way back to school

Hope you guys enjoy :)

Also tell if you want me to write another story 

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