Counties Manukau College Zone

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It came to the day I had been waiting for. It was an overcast day, with the weather forecast saying it was gonna pour down with rain the whole day. The day before I got told to go to my first period class then to meet in sports center after that. So I went to class then after the hour had passed, I did what I had been told, when I got there I was waiting with another boy that got told the same thing. We went and found another P.E teacher and asked if they had left already, and his answer was "yes, they left about an hour ago".

It was interval after that, so we had something to eat, then the bell that singled the end of interval went so I had to go to my next class, but I wasn't there for long. About 5 minutes into the lesson I got a slip saying that I need to meet at the student office. It was a parent that was willing to take us to cross country. We had about 20 minutes to get there. We had to find somehow to get changed in the car, which was pretty awkward.

Once we got there we needed to get numbers and pin them onto our shirt, as well as getting something that you put around your ankle, so you don't cut any corners or anything. So I was ready to go, we were told to get to out starting positions. Also because I was late, I had no clue where I was going.

Now were off, just following the crowd in front of me. Having no clue where I was running and if the course was going to be really muddy or really hill or just flat.I was just taking it meter by meter, until I finally made it across that finish line.

It was coming up to the final straight, and my little legs couldn't go much further. I was just wondering if they could just bring the finish line just about 20 meters further just for me. But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do that. There was nobody in front and behind me for ages, so I pretty much just walked over the line finishing with a time of 19:28 minutes, with me collapsing after crossing the line.

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