The Nightmare

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   Fiona's pov

     I woke up sweating and gasping for air. I dreamt that I was kidnapped and was hidden in a cave when the mutated zombies came,they were coming and i couldn't even move. When one of them got too close and was going to bite me I woke up with a gasp.
            I hate nightmares with a passion ,like I absolutely despise them. The terrifying feeling of helplessness and immobility that comes with it is what scares me the most. After zombies if something that scares me the most is the fact that I can't feel or control my body. The feeling of being restrained and not feeling of limbs is horrible.
           I was still shaken up from the nightmare when I felt the cool breeze from the night as if assuring me that everything is alright. That there are no zombies kr anything terrifying. Outside everything was calm and quiet except for the grasshopper and crickets chirping. As if the whole forest is asleep , taking rest before going to their work in the morning.
           It was 2:00 am. I couldn't go back to sleep again. I need to clear my mind. A walk outside seems pretty irresistible. I know it's a suicide, going for a walk that too so late in a new town. But if I wanted to get any sleep after the horrible nightmare I had to clear my mind and a walk in the cool breeze and beautiful moonlight seemed pretty tempting to resist. What could happen?
          It was pretty chilly so I took my favorite violet sweater and went out through window. Yes the window. Yeah stupid I know. But if you want to have some good memories you have to do some stupid things to remember.
                I realised how stupid it was when I found myself half out of window, legs dangling in the air. I think its time to mention that it was my first time sneaking out the house that too at night.
          After struggling for a few more minutes I finally landed on grounds with a few scratches. I had a big satisfied smile. My mood was already better. See taking a walk was a definitely good decision.
           Pulling the jacket even closer I started towards the familiar woods. I planned to go the place near the tree where I would go to read and return from there. I always wanted to see how it looked at night. I began my journey. Watching how different the woods look at night. As if with a few magical words it will open a portal to another land. After 10 minutes I reached.
          The tree was still beautiful if not even more beautiful. I always thought it would become like a haunted tree at night. But it was nothing of the sort. It looked as if it was the source of all beings of the forest.
            There were a few fireflies flying around and the moonlight seeping through the leaves was giving it a magical look. I regret keeping my phone at home. I wanted to take a picture of the magical tree. I promised myself to come tomorrow again to take a picture.
           I was admiring the beauty in front of me when I heard a gunshot followed by a scream from the woods. What?!Terrified is not the word that would describe my situation. I didn't knew what to do. Should I run or should I help the person. What if the person who has gun finds me?
                I was rooted at the place watching the place from where the scream was heard. My brain was screaming at me to move , to run ,but it was as if my body had its own mind. It didn't move.
          Suddenly a man came from behind a tree he was covering his left eye with his bloodied hands. His clothes were ripped and bloodied. He seemed like he just came from a war. He was bleeding from his forehead.

           "Please help me. He's going to kill me. Please help." He cried limping his way towards me.

         "  Who did this to you? Who's going to kill you?" I enquired finally moving and rushed to help him.
         " He's got a gun please help me. He's saying...."
        BANG . A shot rang in the air cutting him off.
          BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

           Four more shots rang in the air before the man collapsed on me. "Sir" I tried calling him but as soon as I touched him he fell revealing his shot bloodied back.

         "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER. YOU DON'T DESERVE HER . NO ONE DOES. SHE BELONGS TO ME. ME. HOW DARE YOU. HOW?"  The other guy screamed emptying all his bullets on the dead man's body. His voice showing clear anger and hatred.
            I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I couldn't move. It was Jax. Jax killed him. He killed him. It was  too much for me , for my brain to focus. Soon black spots started dancing in front of my eyes. How can a goofy guy kill someone.
      Jax turned to me with knowing concern and sympathy in his eyes as if nothing had happened. He didn't just kill somebody.As  Jax came closer to me I lost my consciousness.

Jax Pov

         " I'm sorry my love. I didn't intend for you to see this." I apologized while picking up my love in my arms.
             She looked so peaceful and serene even when she was unconscious. But it was short-lived when I saw her sweater.Blood.  Blood stains on her body left by that pathetic idiot.
          How dare he taint her with his pathetic, disgusting blood. How dare he touch her? I glared at the dead body of a disgusting piece of trash.
              I shook my head to get a hold of my thoughts. I had to work much faster now. If I have to keep my princess safe I had to work fast and not make a mistake again.
        "  It could have been dangerous if I hadn't come fast. No, no no  don't go there you have your love with you. You have to focus more now. I can't afford any more mistakes." I thought while making my way to the house. Our soon to be home. A smile already making its place on my face.

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