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Fiona's pov

Its been a week since I've been kidnapped. Everyday is the same. Jax comes with breakfast in the morning and spends the whole day with me. Whether it be talking to me or just reading or him proclaiming his love to me.

It was bad already, but no I had to make it worse, by falling sick. I was already trapped here , being ill just worsened it. The bright lights embedded in the ceiling were giving me a headache. My body was burning up like a heater. My limbs seems to have stopped working. I wanted to cry to scream at this situation, but all that came out were pathetic whimpers. I don't want to be here. I wanted to go home. Just sitting in front of TV watching friends and drinking hot chocolate.

Suddenly a cold hand came to my forehead. "My god Fio, you are burning up. Wait here I'll go get you some medicine. " I didn't even sense him enter.

Jax said almost slamming the breakfast tray on the table spilling half of it and running out the door. The door was wide open . He must have forgotten it.This could be my chance. I don't know and I don't care. I just want to go home.
I sat up and tried standing which made my headache much worse. I took few steps and suddenly my legs gave out and I fell hitting my elbow on the dresser.

" What are you doing ,Fiona? Are you trying to run away, huh?!"

Jax stood at the door with some sort of medicine in his hand. And boy did he looked pissed. He was glaring at me. I was so dead. Tears came in my eyes at that thought.

"No,Jax I was not. I was just very thirsty. I just wanted some water. "I spoke with a noticeable tremble and fear in my voice, hoping he believes me. The tears were making my vision blurry and my was head still pounding.

I wanted to cry. I couldn't hold it in anymore I broke down into sobs. I didn't want any of this. I just want to go home. Sit with my mother talking about her day or about the book that I read. Drinking medicinal tea she made for my fever and cracking jokes.

I don't wanna be in this tiny room, with a murderer, waiting for the perfect opportunity to escape or die while trying. I was so tired. I was a crying mess.

Jax wrapped his hands around me and putting me on bed. He wrapped the blanket around me and gave me a glass of water all the while trying to calm me, wrapping his arm around my back while drawing small circle.

" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I know you get fussy when you are sick. I just thought that you were trying to escape, that's why I yelled. I'm sorry my love. I'm so sorry. Take some medi...."

My head was pounding due to crying. It was so intense I couldn't focus on anything. I'm so scared. I tried to focus but nothing. Suddenly I blacked out.

Jax pov

Its been a week since me and Fiona had been together. Its been wonderful. It still felt like a dream.I thought that she might create a ruckus but its been quite alright. I know she will try to escape. That she's trying but it still doesn't change my feelings for her. I'll show her my love and then she'll stay with me. Mom always used to say. You should always tell the person you love your feelings. That's how love grows.

As usual I took the breakfast for her as usual. I opened the door and went to greet her but I saw that she was still in bed shivering and whimpering. I placed my hand on her forehead. It was burning. She had a fever and by the looks of it she had a high temperature.

" My god Fio your burning. Wait here , I'll go get you some medicine." I kept the tray on the dresser and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I had already bought some medicine from store as Fio had told me that she gets sick frequently. So I had prepared it firsthand. I took the medicine and ran downstairs.

I saw Fiona in the middle of the room on floor clutching her head. She probably was trying to escape since I left the door open. I knew that she would try to escape but I don't know why it still it pissed me off. Here I was worried sick about her and what she does, tries to run away. I was so pissed off. I couldn't control my anger and I screamed at her.

" What do you think you are doing ,Fiona? Are you trying to run away, huh?! "

"No Jax I was not. I was just very thirsty. I just wanted some water." She spoke meekly as tears came to her eyes. Her whole face was red due to the fever and her eyes were tearful. It looked as she would just start crying. And she did.

I felt bad after seeing her in this state. Of course she was just thirsty and tired. She's sick afterall .I should take care of her but no what did I do ? Yell at her. Wow!!I feel horrible now.

I picked her up bridal style and layed her down. It felt good to have her in my arms. All safe and pretty. No , now's not the time to be romantic, Jax. You have to apologise to her and take care of her.

I sat her up and gave her a glass of water while trying to calm her. I wrapped my arm around her back drawing small circle to help her to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I know you get fussy when you are sick. I just thought that you were trying to escape, that's why I yelled. I'm sorry my love. I'm so sorry. Take some medicine. You'll feel bett... "

I felt her go silent and limp in my arms.

"Fio? Fio? Hey wake up. "

She must have passed out. Her body was burning up much now than before. That's not a good sign. I tried waking her. Nothing. She must have medicine. What to do? What to do? What to do? I can give her a pill in her mouth , but she'll just choke? What to do? I was panicking full on now.

I know. I'll call her. She must know what to do. I'll ask her. But wait no she'll know that I've kidnapped her. She knows me.I can't have that. No. Think of something else Jax.
Suddenly I heard Fio whimper. She was in pain. She shouldn't be in pain. Argggh dang it . I'll just tell her to keep her mouth shut. And if she refuses I know how to keep her mouth shut. I'll go call her.

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