First Glance

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Fiona's pov

It took a whole day to reach our new Home. It felt weird but a good weird. It was 8:00 in the evening when we finally reached. The house was even more beautiful in real, in the picture it was beautiful but now seeing it with her own eyes it was purely breathtaking. Two storey house with a swing in the front, facing the road. How lovely it would be to sit on the swing on a lovely evening with a cup of hot chocolate gazing at the woods that surrounded the house .Or cycling around the neighborhood. I always loved the countryside houses.
There were only few houses nearby that to very far which meant that NO NOSY NEIGHBOURS. No judgemental people trying to poke their noses ib our lives. Our previous town had a lot of them. They would talk nicely in front of us but gossip a lot behind our backs. And never anything good.Mostly they were about me ,how I was a bad omen and bring bad luck to everyone around me, that I was the reason my mom was single. When I first heard it I was so sad, I cried the whole night and made myself sick. But my mom reassured me and helped me through it. She always told me 'Nobody can make you inferior without your own consent. So don't listen to them. You know your worth, don't let others decide it.' It helped me a lot.
I had been looking at woods lost in my thoughts when mom wrapped her arms around my shoulder and spoke "I know the woods are beautiful and you want to explore them but its late and we both are tired. I will make dinner and you go take some boxes inside. I will even make some hot chocolate for you to drink."

I nodded and took some boxes in. As most of our stuff was being transported by truck we only kept some clothes and books in our car. It took a long time.
As I was bringing the last box in , I heard shuffling in the woods. It was pretty late and it had gotten dark, I wanted to go and check, I know it is a stupid decision to go, but if I don't go I would be nervous wreck thinking all negatives thoughts. What if there was a thief? I turned on my phone's flashlight and went to check what was that boise. It was so dark, and the phone's flashlight was really helpful. The forest looked so beautiful before but now as I got closer and closer it started to feel eerie. T
The forest was so dark and the only light source other than my flashlight was the moonlight seeping in through cracks of trees giving the forest more haunting look. I heard the shuffling again , it was near only. Scaring the life out of me. I calmed myself down before assuring myself " It's just a forest , nothing else."As my mother says it is all one's perspective.
When I reached where the shuffling was heard I stopped and looked around. I saw something shining on the ground, something wet. I bent down to take a closer look and what I saw was really shook me to core. There was blood on the ground near the tree. It still was wet. I stood there shocked and terrified . What just happened?Whose blood was it?
On cue a crow started cawing right above me making me jump. And something fell from the branch the crow was sitting . I flashed my torch around to see what fell, it was a squirrel. Seems the squirrel was pushed down by the crow. I immediately took him and shooed the crow away. When I turned around to leave I immediately felt as if someone is watching me. I looked around but there was no one there. 'The woods are starting to creep me out. Let's just go home. I'll explore tomorrow.'
My mom also started calling me ,so I started towards home with the baby squirrel in my hand with the thought of exploring tge woods tomorrow. I knew mom will know how to help him since she loves animals and she's a vet also.
As soon as I reached my mom almost freaked out at the small bloodstains on the top. I told her everything. The noise and the squirrel. After listening she immediately gave me a lecture about wondering alone at new place that too in the forest. She also took care of the squirrel's injuries all the while lecturing me.

After all the events of today, I was really tired after and decided to unpack my clothes later and just sleep. I had already made the squirrel a bed from a box and a cozy scar of mine. I kept it near the window. I also left the window open. So if the squirrel wants to go home it won't be trapped. I changed into the night clothes and laid on the bed. As soon as my head hit pillow I was out like a light.

Jax Pov

" Hmm, interesting" I thought. I knew that a new family was moving in but never did I imagine it to be such a beautiful girl. Kind too. Most would freak out and run at the sight of blood. She's brave too. There are very few people like this in the world left. And as my dad said its our job to protect them at all cost. Even to the point of KILLING THEM.
I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a muffled groan at my side. It only pissed me off. I was going to give this man easy death since he looked guilty but now he just made it worse for himself. First escaping and now interrupting me. Well let's finish this work first.
I'll be back. Till then take care beauty.

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