{9}Work In Session

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☕Chapter 9☕
Work In Session

   Ezra and a wheelchair-ridden Sonia waited in the living room, her physical therapist was supposed to come today. He gave them a week to settle in before he got to work.
They raised their heads to look at the door as they heard it open, there he was, Mr. Sun.

"Oh, good morning. I hope you haven't been waiting for too long.." He greeted as he closed the door behind him. Sonia noticed that he smiles a lot, maybe it was something they have to do to make their patients comfortable. He wore a navy blue scrubs with the organisation logo over his left chest.

"Nah is cool, only been like.." Ezra checked her phone, "ten minutes."
"Yeah, so.. It hasn't been long. And good morning." Sonia addied.

There was a silence.

"So..! I'm gonna head off to work, Sonia call me when you need to.." Ezra grabbed her purse as she shuffled to the door.
She give him that look that said Yo ass best know what you about. He nodded as though he got the message and waved her off.

Now it was just Sonia and him.

"So, um.." She tapped her nails on her lap, "What is supposed to happen?"

"I'm supposed to run a few tests.."
"You made it sound like I'm a car.." Sonia snorted a laugh out.
He chuckled slightly, "Got a point there. So how are you feeling?"
"Okay, it just pains a little for me to get up and stretch my leg out..."
"The entire leg or...?"
"Just by my knees and ankles, and a few of my toes...." She replied.

"So, what made you want to become a Physical Therapist?"
"Oh, well... When I was young, I broke my leg while playing footbal at school, I was put through physical therapy for six months. After that, I found myself wanting to do the same for others."
"Aw, that's really sweet.."
"Yeah. Being bed or wheelchair ridden, whether it be temporary or for a lifetime, is a whole other type of suffering."
"Yeah.." Sonia fought back the tears that brimmed at her eyes.

"Not being able to run, jump, walk, and feel things.. It sure is painful, I can say so for myself.." A tear fell onto her lap, staining her khaki coloured pants.
"I hit a soft spot, didn't I?" He looked at the spot the tear landed, then looked up at her with such care. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, no.." she dried her tears with the sleeves of her oversized denim blue sweater. "It's fine, really.."
"Okay," He nodded with a small smile, "Let's get back to work, then."

He checked her reflexes, her legs moved a little bit and didn't kick forward like what always happened. He made notes on his clipboard while giving her her more prescribed medicine for pain and muscle tension.

"You need to reduce your sugar intake, eat a diet with less carbs and more greens besides that there's nothing else about your diet. Also you need to exercise the joints in your toes," He said as he croassed out something on his clipboard.
"Yeah " She nodded to his advice.

"And Sonia.." He placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look up to him.
"Don't beat up yourself, 'kay?"
"Umm.. How can I beat myself up when I been beat down, look at me." She rolled her eyes.
He chuckled, but went all serious afterward "I'm serious."

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