Dating The Villain

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A/N: This One-shot is based off of the song above. Song is by maddiemalekos on Tiktok.

Dating the villain doesn't seem so harsh

Dating Techno isn't that bad. He's not as bad as people paint him out to be.

'Cause if they ever lost you they would tear the world apart

A kingdom in search of revenge towards Techno kidnapped me hoping he would surrender and get executed. But instead they got their entire kingdom destroyed with no survivors. "Are you okay darling?" He said hugging me. "Yes I'm okay, thank you" I hugged back tighter.

Dating the Villain doesn't seem that bad 'cause they're always quite handsome

Every time I see him I get mesmerized by how handsome he is.

And you can force them to hold your hand

He's a big tsundere so every time I want to hold his hand I have to force him. He ends up blushing and abides at the end.

And even when they're mean they'll never leave you on seen

Every time we had an argument I would text him apologizing if I started it, and even if he was mad he would never leave me on since he would always respond.

And if anyone hurts your feelings they'll break their face

I was walking alongside Techno when I accidentally bumped into someone. I turned around and apologized. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXT TIME YOU WHORE!" they yelled at my face. It hurt getting yelled at. I was going to apologize again but got interrupted when Techno started deforming their face by punching them. Someone called the police so we booked it back home.

They'll spoil you with riches that they went out and stole

Everyday on our anniversary he would always give me really expensive stuff he stole just for me.

To them you would be their diamonds their rubies and their gold

Every time I gave him a present he would decline and say that I was all he wanted and that I was his treasure.


It's a songfic so it's short.

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