I Miss You

654 7 3

(N/N) = Nick name

Dream POV

Waking up to a familiar voice yelling at you to wake up seems annoying, that's until you don't get to see them at all. I woke up to my alarm. I stood up and headed towards the kitchen making sure not to step on the litter scattered around the floor. 'I can just imagine them yelling at me for this ' I thought, tearing up a bit. It's hard not being able to see the only person that has cared for you ever since you were born. I turned on the stove and started making breakfast.

《Time Skip》

I was walking around L'manburg searching for Tommy just to poke fun at him. Soon I found him laughing around with his Dad. I felt a throbbing pain on my chest just looking at them having fun. I turned around and ran back home before anyone could see me cry. ' Just why can't you and I be like them? ' I slammed the door of my apartment and slid down finally letting the pent up tears fall down my face. After wiping away my tears I walked towards my room and went to sleep.

《Time Skip》

Reader POV

Working away from home was hard when you had a child who was awaiting your return not knowing if you'll actually make it back. I got on my horse and started heading north. ' I'll be there about tomorrow night ' I thought. "Just wait for me a while longer, I promise I'll get there as soon as I can"

《Time Skip》

3rd POV

Trotting of a horse could be heard on a dark cold night. Villagers looked out their window only to see (Y/N) on their horse. Some villagers went out to welcome her back. "Welcome back (Y/N)!" a man with a shiny head said while receiving a bag of iron and diamonds. "It's good to be back, but where's my child." They said while looking around. "There back at your apartment he hasn't come out of there for a while" a woman said while receiving a bag of food.

Dream POV

I heard a knock at my door, running to answer it hoping that it was them only to see a small child. "(N/N) is here!" He said between pants. I shoved the kid aside and ran towards the village. Once I got there I scanned the area in search of them. Once I spotted them I ran towards them. I threw myself onto them hugging them as tightly as I could. My vision got blurred and before I knew it I was bawling my eyes out.

I woke up in a cold sweat, I ran towards their room hoping to see them. Only to see the bed neatly made.

It was just a dream...

They died a year ago...

Ambushed by bandits while they were coming back with netherite.

"I Miss You (N/N)"


Sorry to hit you guys with angst on the very first chapter. ^-^' I hope you liked it tho!

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