My Little Princess

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(PLATONIC, Reader is Technos child. Reader is selective mute and their mothers dead. Also reader is a minor, younger than 14)
Pronouns used: she/they

( Y/N)'s POV

I ran towards Dream when he least expected it and stabbed him from behind. "WHAT THE HELL?!!" Tommy yelled from in front of me "come" I whispered gesturing for him to follow me after I saw George running towards us. He didn't hesitate to follow my request after he heard George yell out our names, he ran towards me and took my arm before we took off running. Leafs rustled as Tommy and I ran past them, I could of easily killed him but I let him live to feed into the story that I was a sweet innocent child that could do no wrong (although Tommy could now see it was fake) I looked behind us to see if George was following ,which he was, so I started to fake cry. Soon we arrived at the cabins front door and started to bang on it frantically.

Dad opened the door "WILL YOU-" he stopped once he saw who was at the door "(y/n), dear what happened?" He frantically asked as I threw myself onto him ,not letting go of Tommy's hand, and pointed towards George whom had just made it out of the woods. Once he saw him his face darkened "Why don't you two go inside and help Phil cook?" He asked looking down at me with a soft smile, I nodded before we headed inside. "Hello" Phil said as we walked in the kitchen "what happened?" He stopped what he was doing after taking one look at the state we were in, Tommy looked scared and sleepless days visible under his eyes while I had a tear stained face. "Bad man" was all I said before his face fell "Technos probably already dealing with him" Tommy said from besides me, right on cue we heard George scream in agony.

Technoblade's POV

After both Tommy and (y/n) where inside the cabin I made my way towards George. "Why the hell are you chasing my child and brother" I demanded the moment I was close to him "Your child just killed my friend!" George said trying to look unfazed "my child could do no such thing" I said before pulling out my axe and swinging it towards George's chest making him scream out in agony. I made my way back towards the cabin after he died.

(Y/N)'s POV

Phil smiled before he turned towards the stove and lifting a tray of cookies "Cookie?" He asked as if nothing was going on outside, we nodded before taking a cookie each. We hummed after taking a bite out of the cookie "It's so good Phil!" Tommy beamed "Tank you" Phil smiled before dad came back inside. "Dad! Phil made cookies!" I exclaimed grabbing a cookie and handing it to him "Thank you" he smiled before eating the cookie. "(Y/N), dear, did you kill one of George's friends?" Dad asked

"Bad man" I frowned "Mad?" I pointed at him "I'm not mad, if anything I'm proud. My princess just had her very first kill." He lifted me up "We should celebrate" he smiled.

Sorry that it leaves off open ended, I might add more later.

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