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It took me a while to find the washroom but I found one. It was huge!

"Would you like a cool, warm or hot bath sir Bakugo?" I looked around.

"...A hot one..."

"What soaks would you like?"

"Uhhh soaks?"

"You are 523 years old correct?"

"Uh, how did you know?"

"You're body scans and name"


"Soaks are things you add to a bath"


"Flower petals and soaps"


"Here are the choices you can choose from" the black screen on the glass wall surrounding the bath turned on. I walked to it. 

"Please tap on the screen for what you want" I looked at the images of flowers. I choose roses, then the screen changed to bottles. I picked the one that smelt like cinnamon buns.

"Your bath will be ready momentarily" I walked around the washroom, looking at the decor, smelling the faint scent of cinnamon buns.  I looked at the mirror that covered half of the wall. my reflection stared back at me I looked down at the pristine sink and put my hand on the little handle. I pulled it and water was being poured from it. I was amazed, how was water able to come out of this? I leaned to the side, wanting to see it rush down. I turned it off and it was just something covering it with a lot of tiny holes. I stood back up and looked at my ears as they drooped down. I grabbed one lightly and tried to keep it up but it wouldn't. I don't blame them, I wasn't feeling anything, just that I should get rid of the human and take his home.

"Your bath is ready Sir Bakugo" I looked at the bath. The foam rose to the top, hints of red spread across the circular tub. "What would you like to do with your torn clothes?"

".... throw it out"

"Are you sure sir?"


"then throw your clothes into the trash chute, it is in the wall next to the door" I turned around and saw a metal plate with a handle on the wall.


"yes" I walked up to it and opened it, it led somewhere, I guess to a dumpster. I took off my chains and collar, I threw my chains inside the thing, my ear pressed against my head and I covered the ones on the sides of my head from the scrapping noise. I put my collar on the counter. I took off my torn boots and threw them inside watching them tumble down. I took off my army green overcoat that I stole 40 years ago, I balled it up and put it inside the contraption. I took off my shirt, pants, and my undergarments and threw it into the chute, and closed it.

"if I may ask, why are you keeping the collar?"

".... my mother gave it to me" 

"How nice.  sir? do you want a brush for your fur and hair?"

"yes" I walk to the tub and stepped in. the water was steaming hot, just how I liked it. I sit down on the tub floor and close my eyes relaxing. A noise next to me bothered my silence and I peeked an eye open. There was a tray coming out of the wall holding a bottle, soap, and two brushes. I sit up and grabbed the bottle, looking at the words. Tch I can not read this shit... 

"computer what is this?"


"Oh," I put the shampoo down and put my body underwater, soaking my hair and ears with water. I came back up and slicked my hair back. I grabbed the shampoo and opened the top, I squeezed the bottle and a clear tan colored substance came out. I put a lot on my hand then put it down on the tray. I put my other hand against the substance and rubbed my hands together. The slimy feeling was satisfying, I parted my hands and raised them to my head. I coated my hair with the scented substance. I made sure I also got the fur on my ears. I grabbed my tail and did the same to it, except I had to wash it deeper. I grabbed the brush for my fur and combed my tail. It was so fucking tangled, then I moved onto the fur on my ear, gently though. Then I combed my hair, which was also a tangled mess. I wouldn't be surprised if I had fleas. I looked up and saw this thing attached to the wall that had a lot of holes on it.

"Want me to turn on the shower?"

"That is called a shower?"

"No it's called a showerhead, we just call it 'shower' for short"

"Oh, then no, not yet" I leaned back and enjoyed the feeling. For a few minutes, I stood there. Then I got up.

"Now you can" it slowly started spitting out water, I backed up and it poured water down as the water below me lowered. I stepped under the spitting water and rinsed the shampoo off my hair. I grabbed the soap bar and started scrubbing myself with it. I closed my eyes as I rinsed the soap off my body, finally happy about something.
Flashes of that night flash into my head. The pain arose, the scars, feeling as if they were being made again. I put my hand against the wall and breath. Then it started. The memory of me destroying the young girl's virtue and her parents and sibling slashing me for it. But instead of the burning sensation, it's the pain of losing my wings. I tried to contain my screams. I got on my knees and put my head down, trying to calm down. Then the next image flashed and I couldn't contain my screams. It was such agony. Then I heard the door slam open.

"Kacchan!! Are you ok?!" The human Deku said.

"G-go AHHHH!!!!" My back was arched and my hands gripping onto the tub. When I opened my eyes he was just standing there, looking at me with blank eyes.

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