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"He has gone insane!! We can not keep him alive any longer!!!"

"We have to get rid of the demon!!"

"And I have a perfect plan for it." Everyone stopped to listen to what the head of the table had to say.

"We create a warrior. A powerful being that will defeat the immortal and protect their world"

"And what if it goes wrong?" one female deity said.

"I have a back up for that one"

"Ok, but we can not make any more warriors!"

"Tsk tsk my friend, we will not make the tiny warrior. We will let the humans do it." Everyone whispered amongst themselves.

"I have already chosen the perfect family to carry the warrior, to nurture and care for him. In the world now, the humans have powers, so it will just be his power." Everyone looked at each other, thinking.

"I agree," one of the male deities said. Then all of them agreed.

"Good, because the child is already born" he looks up as he clicks a button and a projection was made.

The new mother held her newborn son in her arms carefully yet with a protective grip. She ran a finger gently across his freckled cheeks. The father put his hand on the baby's head, rubbing his thumb against the small thin green hair.

"He's so small," the father said, the mother smiled. Kissing her baby.

"Welcome to the world, Izuku"
The Saint is born
"Momma! Momma look!!!" Izuku ran to his mother as he held a beautiful white and red Lily.

"What is it, sweety?"

"Look!! It's alive" she looked at the beautiful flower he held in his hand and smiled.

"Of course it is silly"

"Noooo It was sad earlier so I tried to cheer it up and it became happy!" She didn't know what to say. He's 5 already it might be his quirk. She thought.

"Look, I'll show you!!" He put the flower down and grabbed his mother's hand, dragging her to the spot he found the wilting flower. There was more. He let go of her hand and walked up to the flowers and crouched in front of them.

"Look at this momma" she looked at her son and the flower, curious if he had manifested his quirk. He started to speak to the flower and touched its petal. It started to show it's true color and pop back to life in its former glory. Izuku's mother, Inko, looked at the flower amazed. She bent down and touched the flower.

"Isn't it cool mama?"

"Very my little prince" she hugged him and gave him a whole bunch of Kisses all over his face. He giggled at his mother's affection and hugs her.

"I love you momma"

"I love you too Izuku"
"Are we almost there daddy?!" Izuku's father, Hisashi, chuckled and looked at his son as he bounced excitedly on the booster seat. His green curls moved as he did, his jade eyes sparkling in joy.

"Yeah almost there buddy"

"Yay!!! We're going to the beach! We're going to the beach!!" The father chuckled and looked back at the road. But in that split second everything stopped. Everything flashed before his eyes. Another car rammed into them from the side street and made the car go to the side spinning. Glass was everywhere, the safety bags blocking Hisashi from any danger but it was too late. When the car stopped Hisashi looked back with his last bit of strength and his eyes widen in fear. Izuku had a glass shard poking out of his neck. Blood soaked the collar of his All Might t-shirt and tainted his skin with red. Blood escaped his mouth as he stared lifelessly outside. Hisashi gave out with despair, knowing he was leaving a loving wife, with two to moarn.

"I'm sorry for your loss" Inko sobbed, covering her face and dropping to her knees the doctor stood there for a second before leaving. Inko's world crumbled apart. She lost the love of her life and the sweetest, innocent boy she called her son at the same time. She was lost, swimming in an abyss. Her chest ached in pain and her head pounded. She wouldn't stop crying. For 30 minutes she stayed there mourning her son and husband when she decided it was time to go to the place she used to call home.

"Momma?!" She heard the familiar voice and looked up her eyes dotting everywhere. There he was, crying his eyes out looking for his mother. She got up quickly and ran to her baby. She hugged him tight not wanting it to be an illusion.

"D-daddy's *hiccups* g-gone!!" He cries into her pink top and held a tight grip on it. Inko started crying again, this time for her little angle. Knowing Izuku will be haunted by this experience for a long time.
A phoenix...
As I got older I gained more quirks, which was so cool!! I can be just like All Might!! I decided that I was going to go to U.A. one of the best hero schools in Japan!! I passed my exams with flying colors. I worked hard and trained hard. I wanted to be like All Might, the #1 hero, the symbol of peace. I made a lot of friends here and it was awesome. I graduated as one of the top three in U.A. I then moved on to trying to find a job until I was hired in Mirios agency since he took over for Sir Nighteye when he passed away. So I quickly climbed my way up to his second hero assistant/sidekick (whatever you wanna call it) My power only grew stronger. After two years of hard work, I made it to the top 10 pro heroes. But it didn't matter. After my encounter with Sir. I shifted my focus on not becoming All Might but becoming my own hero. I was happy with how my life turned out, though my mom was always worried. I always felt like I was put here on earth for a reason and that someday that reason will come.

I'm 21 years old and I'm the #1 hero. I am the new symbol of peace, the Jade phoenix. 

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