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Each step I took was calm and precise. Not a flaw in sight. I held my head up high, smelling the cool damp air that wreaked of human flesh. Hearing the rapid beat of drums and singing, but not the festivity kind. Hearing the clanking of chains as I walked to the bonfire. The flames reaching 5 feet tall brilliantly setting the wood aflame, as I get closer I could feel the warmth of the angry yet tamed flames from here. My face hurt but I showed no weakness. The muzzle they put on me was wrapped tight around my head causing the skin that the damn thing was pressing against to bruise. We stopped before we entered the circle filled with weak humans, merely ants I can crush in an instant. A hag was standing in front of the fire, swaying her arms in different motions, muttering something to herself. I looked around, examing the faces of all the pitiful humans. They all had their eyes closed or down at their feet, clashing their hands together to pray. Some cried into the other's shoulder. Disgusting vile creatures. Everything stopped. The hag got up and turned around. A hood covering her face from the world, but you can still see wrinkles and age spots on her chin and neck.

"Come," she said, her voice croaked but yet was still at a high pitch. The two men continued, me, of course following. Well, I had no other choice they were gripping onto my arm. We were the same height except for the guy on the left was a few inches shorter. The hag held her hand out meaning for us to stop. Then I felt the pressure of being pulled down at my arms, then shoulders. Hell no! I continued to stand tall. I was not going to be put below a meekly human.
"It is fine" they let go and stood back. I looked down at the hag as she held something in her hands wrapped in a dirty ass rag. Then I heard screaming and shouting from a familiar voice.

"STOP!!!!" then she popped into view. I stared at blood-red eyes as hers were filled with fear and worry. She was held back by two more men.

"LET MY SON GO!!!!" She tried to fight them off. I wonder, why doesn't she just transform? Whatever.

"Bakugo Katsuki, for the crimeー"


"Your sins are not as great as your sons Mitsuki. He has to pay for what he has done"


"There is no erasing what he has done" the hag looked down at the piece of cloth. Then it started to float with a pink aura around it dropping pink dust. The cloth unwrapped itself and it revealed a beautiful dagger. She picked it up. My mother yelled begging for mercy.

"You will get a single slash from each member of the families you have destroyed." She walked behind me and after a minute I felt something cold on my back, then it burned as the blade was pierced into my skin and dragged down. It hurt like hell but I wasn't going to show it. I felt the warm liquid go down my back slowly. Then I feel another cut being made on my lower back. I was completely naked, they hoped to embarrass me but I take great pride in my body. So them cutting it up was unacceptable, but I couldn't move, no matter How hard I tried I couldn't move. I wasn't chained to the floor nor a stake or a tree so what the hell?! The slashes repeated varying from all over my body until it was around 500. Then out of nowhere, my boy was pushed down to the ground. My body pressed against the grass, with the two men from earlier above me. My wings struggled to break from the chains.


"Nobody wanted to be treated as if they were nothing, you took away their purity and took away their freedom. It is only fair if you have the same fate." I looked at her with rage, adrenaline coursing through my body, my ears went back and I growled at her. She walked behind me and grabbed my beautiful ash blonde wings I turned my head looking at her from the corner of my eye. My eyes widen in fear. She had the blade against the root of my wings. She was going to cut off my pride and joy. 


"Did you stop when those girls told you too, did you stop when they feared you?" 


"It is too late for that" then the burning sensation at my wings multiplied a million times more. I screamed out in pain as my wings were cut off. My mind was hazy, my back hurt like hell, the feeling of blood oozing out of the week little stumps on my back. They let go of me. I tried to get up but my body was in too much pain. I looked at my wings, my beautiful wings. The one thing that kept me calm as they carried me through the air, as I felt the sun's rays on my skin as it shined in my eye. Rage coursed through my body, I was about to get up when I was pinned, to the floor yet again.


"They will not see you in hell, as they will join the gods." She put the dagger into the fire as my blood dripped from it. Then I was hoisted up, sitting up, with my knees digging into the dirt. My hair was pulled back making my head go up. I growled in anger at the puny Human. After a minute the hag came back with the blade in hand and it glowed orange at the tip.

"Katsuki Bakugo, you are cursed to live an eternal, lonely, and tormented life amongst the humans. You will never shift back into a dragon wolf again. Until you actually wholeheartedly repent for your sins, you will be doomed for the rest of your life. May misfortune smile upon you." She carved something into my chest. I clenched my teeth in pain not wanting to give them anymore screams.
"The sinner has been judged"

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