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Sunset stared at your table as you and your friends laughed. What she saw earlier was magic when your eyes flashed re and it was magic she had dealt with herself before. She was debating on telling her friends, but if she, she didn't know how they would react, especially with them wanting peace and glad they were finally getting it. When Sunset saw Fluttershy, she smiled, "Hey Fluttershy, I was gonna ask if-" But her eyes widened as she watched Fluttershy go over to your table and sit there right next to you. The others were surprised as well, "Why did Fluttershy sit over there? She normally sits with us." Rainbow Dash stated. Applejack nodded, "Yeah, but maybe she's tryin' to be nice. They are new after all." She explained. Pinkie pie stared then frowned, "No, she might just keep going over there. Look how happy she is." She said sadly. The girls looked at each other then back at your table, them all frowning when they saw such a big smile on Fluttershys face as she talked with your friends, but it seemed was she was talking with you more. Sunset crossed her arms, "I think I know what's happening." She stated, making the girls look at her. Rarity looked at her, "Really? What is it?" She asked, hoping to get some information on the situation. Sunset eyed your group and she made eye contact with you, "Black Magic." She said, making the girls gasp. Twilight fixed her glasses, "Wait, you mean the magic that... Corrupted us?" She questioned and held herself close. Sunset nodded, "Yeah, and (Y/n) Nera is what's causing this magic to appear." She stated. Rarity frowned, "No, it can't be. I had a chat with her yesterday and my she was quite smart with her choices, especially her friend." She stated, hiding the fact that you had also pointed out things that bothered her about her friends.

Twilight looked at Rarity, "I saw Fluttershy talking with one of her friends. Maybe its some plan." She suggested and tapped her chin. Rarity crossed her arms, "I don't like how your thinking about them." She said. Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Rarity, if they do have black magic, then we have to do something about it." She stated. Rarity stood up, "And if you think these girls have said magic, then I don't want to talk with you till you understand that these girls are different and that it is okay." She said, grabbed her tray and walked towards your table. Sunset was surprised, "She left because we thought they had magic?" She questioned. Applejack sighed, "Well, maybe they fell under their spell or somethin'. You did see something strange about them, right?" She asked. Sunset nodded, "Yeah, (Y/n)'s eyes had flashed red when I asked her a questioned earlier." She stated. Rainbow crossed her arms, "What did you ask her?" She asked. Sunset sighed, "I asked her what she meant when she wanted everyone to see how close she was with her friends." She stated. Twilight seemed confused, "That's it?" She questioned. Applejack nodded, "Yeah, is there more to it?" She asked. Sunset sighed, "I know that you guys may think it's strange, but you have to believe me about her eyes changing color and how they talk about certain things is weird." She said. The girls looked amongst themselves and nodded as they muttered out small agreements as well. Sunset smiled, glad that her friends that she had now listened and looked at you. Her eyes widened when she saw you looking right at her, and your eyes flashed red once more.



Til next chapter~!🌸

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