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After that day had ended and it soon became the next day, you had tried to get Sunsets book, but failed each time. "I need that book." You growled as you paced back an forth in the music room. Pearl filed her nails, "That book will help us contact the princess?" She asked. You faced her and the others, "Yes. That book allows Sunset and the Princess to talk, and if I were to get that book I'd be able to convince the princess to get here and take her magic since she'll think I'm Sunset Shimmer." You explained and crossed your arms. Harmony stopped texting and looked up from her phone, "But why don't we just take it from the girls now? We mostly have the school hating on the girls, mainly Sunset, and so far Fluttershy and Rarity seem to be under your influence after you talked with them." She stated. You sighed and rubbed your temple, "Yes, but it's not enough magic." You groaned and crossed your arms. Tara chuckled, "What about their necklaces? They have a power to them and I wanna take them." She said with a smirk. Anna rolled her eyes, "You can't just take them, then we'd be in trouble." She stated. You tapped your chin then gasped when you had an idea, "Why not convince the girls to give them up?" You suggested, making the girls stop and look at you. Mari tilted her head, "We ask for them?" She questioned. You shook your head, "No! We make them give them up. Remember, Fluttershy and Rarity seem to be falling for it, all we have to do is get them on our side and make them give up their necklaces." You stated and held your hands together. The girls glanced among each other and nodded as they looked back at you, "And what about the others?" Tara questioned.

"What about the others?" Sunset questioned as she walked in. You looked at her, "Hey Sunset! What's up?" You added with a smile. Sunset stared at you then glanced at the girls, "What were you guys talking about?" She questioned. The smile didn't leave your face, "Nothing much really. We were just discussing on how we should make friends with the other students." You stated and walked towards her. Sunset didn't seem to like that and moved back, "You could just talk to them." She said. Pearl stepped forward, "True, but we want people to know US and know how close we are with each other." She stated. When Sunset was getting distracted with Pearl, you grabbed the copy of Sunsets book, grabbed the real one from her backpack and put the fake one in. "Well you could just show them about you guys. You don't have to make it big." She stated then glanced at you when you got into her view. You smiled and shook your head, "Yes Sunset, but we'll, you see. We want people to REALLY know us and know what we're capable of." You stated and held the book behind you. Sunset seemed confused, "Capable of what?" She questioned. You smirked and your eyes flashed red, which made Sunset gasp and step back. Before she or anyone else could speak, Fluttershy popped her head in, "Oh um, Harmony, (Y/n), I-I was wondering if you wanted to talk again. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you girls." She whispered and played with her hair. You smiled, "No, that's actually perfectly fine! We can also talk at lunch to!" You stated, which made the pink haired girl smiled. When Sunset was looking at Fluttershy, you took this chance to change the book to make it seem normal and nobody would question a thing.



Til next chapter~!🌸

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