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You walked into the room and smirked when you saw that Pearl was keeping Rarity distracted. Pearl noticed you and smiled, "See? I told you she'd come to talk with you." She said, confusing Rarity and her turning to face you. Rarity smiled when she saw you, "Ah, you must be the famous (Y/n) Pearl was talking about. I do say you have a wonderful sense in fashion as well." She stated as she stepped towards you. You smiled at her, "Thanks Rarity. That really means a lot coming from you, but, what about the other girls? Do they notice how good you are and how much you work for them?" You questioned and stood before Rarity. Rarity seemed confused, "What ever do you mean darling?" She asked. You sighed and looked down, "Well I mean, you do so much for the girls and helping them style, but do they ever give thanks for what you do for them?" You questioned and held your hands together. Rarity frowned and looked down, "Well I- Sometimes they-""Sometimes they don't even say thank you for doing do much for them and it hurts, doesn't it?" You questioned and circled Rarity. Rarity messed with her hands, "I don't know what your talking about. They love my work, they always have... Right?" She questioned and tapped her chin in thought. Stopping before her, you smiled, "They don't Rarity and they'll just kick you to the curb when they think you boring, which seems to be soon." You stated ad made Rarity look up from the ground and at you. Rarity stared at you as you stared back. You smiled and caressed her cheek, "Rarity, you won't feel like that if you hangout with my friends. We'll give you the love and respect you deserve." You said then pulled away.

Rarity looked down at her hands and thought, which made you smile, "Well, if you like my offer. Just keep talking with Pearl here. She really loves your work." You said then left the room, but not before giving Pearl a nod, letting her know she could use her mind tricks if needed. You walked down the hall and towards your locker, where you saw Sunset, "Hello Sunset. How was detention?" You asked and opened your locker. Sunset looked at you then the book she had in her hands, which caught your interest, "What's that book? I've never seen something like that before." You said and faced Sunset completely. Sunset smiled nervously and shut the book, "Oh um, nothing. Just, uh, a journal that I write in." She said and held it close. Before you could ask what she was up to, her book glowed purple, which seemed to worry Sunset, "Oh! I gotta go, bye!" She said then ran off after shutting her locker taking her book with her. You stared at where she went to and smirked, "So that's how she can talk with the princess. Interesting." You whispered then looked into your locker and chuckled when you grabbed out a notebook and used your magic to make it look exactly like Sunsets book. Chuckling, you walked down the hall and towards your class that you knew Sunset was in and went in. You then sat next to a with blue hair and blue eyes. The both of you made eye contact and he looked away, face slightly red. A smile made its way to your face then a smirk when you saw the look on Sunsets face when she looked at the boy next to you. This day felt like it was going in your favor and you loved it.



Til next chapter~!🌸

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