Need 9

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----------| Naruto's POV |----------

He hadn't meant to see that. Hadn't meant to ruin their moment together. God, he would have been at least okay with seeing Sasuke with another boy. But with her. It just made him regret listening and believing a word anyone had ever spoken or spewed to him throughout his entire stay, no, his entire life.

Sai had told Naruto to meet up with him in the lunch room so then they could talk to each other in private. When Sai didn't show up on time, Naruto left to search for him. Thinking that maybe he had been held back by something important. Only to stumble upon Sasuke kissing Ino, of all people. Their lips were locked and Ino was rubbing up against Sasuke's chest in way that suggested they were enjoying each other's company. Naruto didn't even realize that he was staring until he noticed that Sasuke had stopped the kiss suddenly. Had he realized that Naruto was there? Did he want to invite her to his bedroom so they could go further?

Did he perhaps … regret kissing her? Slapping that thought aside Naruto zoned back into the couple. Sasuke's lips moved as he talked to Ino but Ino gave him a smile and pointed at Naruto, who was still watching. When Sasuke had given him that look, that look of pity and sadness, something in Naruto just broke. Tears began pouring down his face as he saw how Sasuke was looking at him. Standing there for a few seconds more, Naruto just looked at the two. Ino was giving him a look that read “Sasuke's mine, bitch. Don't even try.” Giving a small sob, Naruto ran. Ran and ran, until he made it back to his bedroom. Tripping on something before rushing back up again.

Kiba was there flipping through a comic book at random and jumped up when Naruto suddenly burst in, crying. Worry formed itself onto his face and he followed Naruto as he stumbled and fluttered through the room they shared. Something was wrong.

For a second time, Naruto locked himself into the private bathroom. Quietly, he slid his back down the door frame and sat leaning on the wood. Naruto pushed his knees to his eyes and let the tears fall willingly. Kiba knocked lightly on the door as Naruto cried his eyes out. He felt betrayed. The fragile heart inside him broke once again as he thought about Sasuke. Sasuke that mysterious black haired boy that had only arrived four days ago. Yet he still made Naruto's chest tighten and his brain fuzzy when they were together. Who made butterflies erupt in Naruto's stomach, even when he was only thinking about him. But also made him say silly things when they were talking about stuff. With Sauske's brooding black eyes and his wide shoulders, Naruto couldn't have helped but have fallen. And fall he had.

“Naruto, you all right?” Kiba whispered uncertainly through the door.

All right? How could he be all right? Sasuke had given all the signs. Sitting with him at lunch, staring at him when he thought Naruto wouldn't realize, talking to him about personal things. Listening and caring about what Naruto had to say. Even telling him his deepest darkest secret. So why had Sasuke gone and kissed Ino?

No, he wasn't all right, Naruto decided.

Without responding to Kiba, Naruto opened a drawer connected to the sink. Digging through the variety of bathroom utilities, Naruto found what he needed to draw the pain out. A small cutter's blade. Small enough for him to have fit under the sole of his shoe when he had first entered the Home. Many times through the months of being locked in and shut up, did this slim piece of metal help him get the frustration and hatred out.

Relaxing on the edge of the bathtub, Naruto placed the blade expertly against his wrist. Scars were scattered and raised against the pale, thin skin as Naruto slowly dug in. Biting onto his bottom lip, Naruto held in a yelp of pain. Once the initial pain subsided and blood began to river down his arm, Naruto felt that emptiness. The numbness that had been so addicting before and still was. The feeling of not needing anything or anyone. Naruto loved that feeling almost as much as he loved Sasuke.

Watching curiously, Naruto saw as the red liquid slid down his arm and dripped steadily down to the tiled floor.

It was so beautiful. This destruction Naruto did to himself. The way he lost himself to the new pain, masking the old. This was all he needed. All he had ever needed.

Digging the blade into another piece of his hideous flesh, Naruto dug another crevice, another grave, another piece of fleshly pain out. The blade dropped to the floor and Naruto drew figures on the floor with his blood. Of him and Sasuke. Together. Happy. In love. In bloody red, a color of destruction and despair. Finishing the drawing with a small heart above the two figures, Naruto lost consciousness and slammed his head onto the tile floor. Completely losing himself against the bleeding and suffocation of heart break.

'I'm sorry, Sasuke,' was his last thought when the blackness began to engulf him.


First immediate thought when I finished this chapter: "Wow, Konoha has like no watch on what these troubled teens do..."

Basically...I'm planning...I'm not sure where this is headed but hey...I know it has an ending in it somewhere...maybe....

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Thanks for sticking with me...and hope you stay until the end =^-^=

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