Need 5

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Chapter Five

            Naruto cried for a total of three hours. His head was dizzy and fuzzy by the time he finally finished. When he got up and looked at himself in the mirror, he saw a different person. The eyes of this person were puffy and stained red. The blonde halo of hair was slightly damp and some of the spikes were flattened. Naruto soon found out that this was him. The reflection showed his worn out eyes and his tattered tresses. All in all, he felt like shit.

            Add on to that worn out state he was in, there were strange thoughts trekking through his brain. The thoughts that were running through the blonde's mind didn't make sense. They were of Sasuke and his presence at the Home. He couldn't think like this. Sai was his boyfriend and had been for a time span of four months. Sasuke couldn't ruin that for them, Naruto wouldn’t allow it. No matter how addicting his taste, smell, touch, his everything was to Naruto.

            By the time Naruto had gotten himself together and cleaned up his face, everyone else had begun the daily meeting. Walking in quietly, Naruto sat in between Kiba and Shino, avoiding Sai's hurt glance. There was an empty seat next to Sai that he had probably saved for Naruto. The blonde didn't know what would happen if he were to explain where he had been for the past three hours. He'd probably start crying again. Pathetic really.

            Kakashi, a doctor who worked at Konoha all through the week, initiated the meeting to start. Even though Naruto had been late, the meeting had yet to start. Kakashi was always late, due to some mysterious deed he had to do along the way. The longer it took for the doctor to come, the shorter the meetings were. Kakashi's lateness bothered not one patient in the Home.

            “Sasuke Uchiha, you are the newest member to Konoha. You will begin today's session,” Kakashi said in a commanding tone. The silver haired man was always wearing scarves that covered his chin and mouth. In a strange sense, it made Naruto feel like he had something to hide from the patients. Shrugging off the feeling, Naruto listened to what Sasuke had to say, denying that it had anything to do with how his pink lips moved or how is voice sounded.

            Sasuke had stood up and stared at the floor. “What should I say?” he mumbled.

            Kiba responded before anyone else could, “Anything really. Why you're here, who your friends were, what you had for breakfast three weeks ago, who you've slept with; anything.” Kiba was grinning by the time he was done.

            “Thank you, Kiba, for your … help,” Kakashi said in a sarcastic tone, causing Kiba to flush with embarrassment. Even though he was the loud mouth of Konoha, he didn't like being punished. It made him feel insignificant, as if he were to blame. It reminded Kiba of his past. The reason he had started cutting and starving himself.

            Naruto glanced away from Kiba's ashamed face and looked back at Sasuke. The raven had started to talk again.

            “Uh … well. I don't live that far from here and I'm a drug addict, I guess. I've been on just about everything and some things I probably shouldn't have been. My favorite concoction to use is this neon green shit from Third Street. It works wonders. My favorite snack is chocolate and I hate rain. My friends are druggies too and I had cereal for breakfast three weeks ago, I think. My sex life doesn't really matter ‘cause it doesn't exist.” With that he sat down.

            So … Sasuke's a virgin? This simple fact made Naruto blush. Even he wasn't a virgin. He and Sai had done the deeds a couple weeks before when Naruto started to cut again. Sai had touched him in all the right places, at all the right times. Too bad Sai had ignored him for days afterward. He'd felt like such a slut; a dirty, used slut at that. Then Sai had come back, with a sweet look on his face that spoke sorry words; Naruto had forgiven him. Sai loved him, right?

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