6. helen back again

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indie was walking into school with tori on a regular tuesday morning when robbie stopped them.

"hey, indie, indie," he said, dragging her over to a yellow bike that him and sinjin were standing on either side of. 

"what?" she asked.

"we've both told you we're not gonna shave the back of your neck," tori piped up.

"i know," said robbie exasperatedly. "sinjin is selling this bike."

"oh, nice bike," said indie absentmindedly.

"right, okay, so," said robbie, leaning his elbow on her shoulder, "if this were my bike, would it make you wanna date me?"

"if it came along with a givenchy purse and a monthly allowance," said indie sarcastically.

"it is a really cool bike, though," said tori.

"i'm growing impatient," said sinjin.

"okay, i'll take it," said robbie, taking his arm off indie and getting out his wallet.

"man, it's a good thing your parents are rich," said indie, shaking her head.

"hello!" boomed sikowitz's voice from somewhere upwards of them. "your attention please!"

after looking around for a few seconds, indie spotted him on the roof, pointing it out to robbie and tori.

"up here. i'm waving. see my hand moving to and fro?" he asked.

the students in the cafeteria weren't paying any attention, but indie heard jade yell "shut up!" and then everything went quiet.

"ah, jade, so sweet and feminine," said sikowitz.

indie raised a brow and exchanged a glance with tori.

"and now i give to you, a man who needs no introduction," said sikowitz. "he was born beside a river in kentucky, way back in 19-"

a man whose identity they couldn't make out made a grab for the mic.

"--principal eichner!" sikowitz finished abruptly, handing the mic off.

"oh, so that's the principal," indie muttered.

"students and faculty, it is with a heavy heart that i tell you that, as of today, i'm resigning as principal of hollywood arts," said eichner.

"okay, so that was the principal," indie corrected herself.

the students whispered amongst themselves.

"okay, now shh, please, hold in your murmurs," said eichner. "it's not that i don't love running this school; i do. but i've fallen in love with a tahitian woman, and i want to spend time with her and her people." as he spoke, a woman in a flower crown and hawaiian-looking clothing walked up and hugged him. 

sikowitz stole her banana and ran off.

"jesus christ, this school is one big whackjob," said indie, turning to robbie.

"380, 400," finished robbie, counting out bills. "there you go."

"thank you, robbie. the bike is yours," said sinjin.

"yay!" said robbie.

"good for you, bud," said indie.

"yeah, congrats," said tori. "you're gonna look really snazzy--"

she was interrupted by a red mini cooper swerving into the bike, effectively destroying it. indie yanked robbie and tori out of the way before it could hit them.

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