Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe it. THE Rantaro Amami was sitting next to me. Even asked if I was okay.
"Silence okayyyyy" Amami~Kun muttered.
"H-hUh?' I turned to him so fast my hat almost fell off, 'Sorry I was just lost in thought!"
"Yeah it's fine I mean we all get thoughts so it's just bound to happen." He said calmly
I spent to rest of math screaming internally and trying not to drool over him. I just couldn't believe Amami~Kun was in my math class. And based on how close these seats are I don't think I can draw in my book for this whole year. I mean how would you react if you saw some kid in your class sketching soft stuff with your own Danganronpa character. Not very comfortable, right?
The teacher was saying something about needing a calculator when Amami~Kun leaned over to my ear.
"This class is pretty boring, right? I mean just listen to his voice, if something doesn't help him with that monotone I will." The green haired male whispered in my ear.
His breath was warm and smelled like apples. But like apple pie. Wait why'd I smell his breath?! That's a line I don't want to cross again. I leaned back to him, "Tell me about it, I'm Shuichi Sihara by the way. If this is what we have to deal with for the rest of the year then we should be friends"
WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOU IDIOT. I KNOW YOU SIMP FOR HIS CHARACTER AND NOW HIM BUT YOUVE ONLY KNOWN HIM FOR LIKE THIRTY MINUTES?! I was freaking out a bit when he whispered back to me "I'm Rantaro Amami. And yes that's how you say it."
Oh my atua. I'm about to die. First I draw his character and simp over him then he appears in my class, sits next to me and even wants to be friends. I might just die.
      (That's the bell by the way I just had coffee            so my brain said that)
"Well that's the bell class! I hope to see you tomorrow bright and early!" The teacher almost screamed but yet it sounded like a robot.
Amami~Kun got up and offered me a hand. Of course I grabbed it too. I'm crushing not an idiot. "So why class do you have next?" The green haired male asked me.
"Uhm I have art' I said taking a sigh kinda wishing I could talk to him next class,' but after that English."
"Oh I have English next. That's disappointing, I was hoping to be with you again."
I'm sorry what.

Word count- 450

Hi guys I'm really tired today as my dumb self forgot we had school again today. So that was a fun morning. Sadly this was a pretty short chapter but I promise I've got plans for this story. Just stick with me a bit. Hopefully I won't let you down

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