Part 20

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**Tul's POV**

Crap. Crap. Crap.

Stupid Tul, you lost your cool again.

As I'm walking back to the classroom I heard Max silently following behind me a few feet away. Once we were back in the classroom I could feel Xing's glare on us as we made our way back to our seats but I didn't care, I was too worried and excited about later on.

When he was feeding off of me I searched for his hidden desire and I had found it too but the problem was that he was not confident enough in himself. You see the issue with this is that, yes I like being dominate when I'm with Xing but when I think about sleeping with Max my entire point of view changes and all I want him to do is fuck me senseless and I have no idea why.

I've never had gay thoughts before...

Xing: Tugging on my sleeve as I try to concentrate on my work. "Tul what were you guys doing in there? Why didn't you just wait until he came out first. I don't like you spending so much time with him."

Fuck man, I just want peace and quiet.

Tul: I look at her with a hard stare. "I will choose who I do and do not hang out with, you do not dictate my life Xing."

Xing: She pouts but brightens up when an idea seems to form in her head. "Fine whatever, anyways. What time can I come over tonight, I want to be with you. I miss you..."

I glance over at Max out of the side of my eye and curse to myself, shit he heard that. He was gripping his pencil really tightly and I was afraid it was going to break.

Shit, I need to think of something quickly.

Tul: "I don't want you to come over today, I just got better and it will be my first night back. I would much rather be alone if I was being honest."

Her pout seems to deepen but she doesn't say anything as she just looks down at her assignment and fumes in silence.

I guess Max liked my response because I could see a smile forming on his face and his death grip on his pencil has disappeared.

Thank god...

Once that class was done with the rest of the class periods seemed to go by in a blur and I could feel myself getting excited again. Just less than an hour to go! That should give him enough time to drop his stuff off at his place and join me at mine.

I couldn't help but have a giant smile on my face as I was packing my things to leave.

Zee: Looking at me weirdly. "What the fuck are you smiling about?"

Tul: I just raise an eyebrow at him and chuckle. "What about you huh? Where were you this morning?"

Zee: Smiling to himself. "That's not important. Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

Tul: I shake my head and sling my bag over my shoulder. "If you're not going to share then neither will I. I'll see you tomorrow, be on time okay?!?"

With that I waved at him and left the room leaving him at his desk.

He likes to be cocky with me but he always seems to forget that I will bite back, which is why he hates messing around in my business half the time.

The majority of the time, that factor comes in handy just like today.

As I was leaving the school grounds to head to the dorms I was practically bouncing with excitement. Yes I know I probably look like a 10 year old right now but I just don't care. I'm too happy right now and that's all that matters.

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