The Beginning Of The End

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Clarke's POV

I ran toward the sound of the stream, tripping over rocks as I went. Earth was healthier than I remember, the greenery was bright, and there was life. I wished to stay here, under the warmth of the sun, I wanted to cry, and let my emotions out. I knew I couldn't, not yet anyway. I stopped near the edge of the water, watching the calm, soothing waves wash up along the shore. I closed my eyes and imagined myself with my friends, my family, I was so happy, I never wanted to return to reality.

Clarke: ... I don't want to be alone.

Fake Lexa: You're not.

I saw her then, she stood to my right, peacefully watching the slow rise and fall of the waves. The being who had taken my lover's face.

Clarke: What do you want?

Fake Lexa: To explain.

Clarke: There's no need. I get it. I bear it so they don't have to, again.

Fake Lexa: Such a curious species. You've added so much to us already. I'm glad to have been wrong about you.

Clarke: Wait. Does that mean you're here to take me with you?

Fake Lexa: No. You can never join us, Clarke. Your actions must have a cost.

Clarke: Just mine? Am I the only human being who has ever sinned?

Fake Lexa:  Of course not. But you are the only test subject, from any  species anywhere in the universe, since the dawn of time, who committed murder during a test.

Clarke: I'd do it again.

Fake Lexa: Madi knew you'd say that.

Clarke: Madi's with you then?

Fake Lexa: Actually, she has chosen to live the rest of her life down here, with you. 

Clarke: Wait. Transcendence is a choice? You can come back? She chose to come back?

Fake Lexa: Of course. Though, until now, no one ever had.

Clarke: I won't be alone, then.

That's when I heard the sound of laughter in the distance. I quickly ran toward the sound, tears blurring my view. There they were, all laughing, while building some shelters like the ones we built near the dropship. I looked back to face the immortal being.

Fake Lexa: There is one thing that I can offer you Clarke, not as a gift, but as a warning for the near future in case I am needed again.

Clarke: What is it?

Fake Lexa: You have lost many people, Clarke. So, I'm giving  you this chance to bring one of them back.

Clarke: ...just one?

Fake Lexa: It is of your decision, so make sure you choose someone who you love very deeply.

One person, just one! I can remember every single person that I have lost, every single person that had an impact on my life. Images of their faces flash through my mind, one of dad and mom, another of Monty, Harper, and Jasper, then there is Bellamy, all who I loved very deeply. I stare back at the immortal being and realize that she had taken the form of the person I had loved the most. I instantly thought of Lexa, her beautiful green eyes, her brilliant smile. I thought of how she died, it was my fault back then, I'm the real reason she was gone. This was my chance to bring her back, I could hold her again, I could kiss her again.

Fake Lexa: Have you decided?

Clarke: Yes. Is it possible to for you to bring Lexa back?

Fake Lexa: Never underestimate my power, Clarke. 

She went toward the trees and stopped suddenly, I thought she was admiring their beauty. I then saw her reach down with her right hand and grab a fistful of mud, she got up from her crouching position and flung the mud in the air keeping her eyes closed the entire time. All the particles of the mud seemed to separate in mid-air, now looking as if it were dancing. I saw the particles twirl in a circle, slowly making their way to the rocky ground, and finally settling with a puff of smoke.

It took me a second to realize that someone was laying there, under the particles. My eyes widened in realization when I recognized it to be Lexa. I ran to her, reaching my arms out and embracing her with every kind of emotion I had. Her skin was still as soft as I remember, the patterns of ink displayed across her body just as they used to. 

Fake Lexa: She'll wake up in a few days. Clarke, I think that you have forgotten that your friends are waiting.

Clarke: Family ...not friends.

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