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^^^^I really recommend watching the video above. I get goosebumps everytime.


I'm not going to make this depressing... I'm not...

I'm nOT


It's been tough for me and I'm sure it has also been for the few that are reading this. I mean we were like half way into concert band season, going to school everyday, and me as a percussionist had just perfected a piece on bells that was so hard and then boom... 2 weeks off of school because there's a global pandemic coming very close to my city.

I mean it was so sudden and then it turned into like 6 months of literally doing nothing and I'm not gonna lie I didn't practice anything in percussion I did nothing but read romance novels on here.


Now things are alittle bit different we're back to school (or atleast I am) going on a 2 days a week schedule. Here in NC all band and football schedules were cancelled. No afterschool practices, no halftime shows, no competitions, no band. It's sad.

On the bright side though football games are actually postponed till February which means my schools band will have a halftime show (it still might not happen) I still have guard in the afternoons during band but I don't really understand what the point of having it when the football games might be cancelled permanently which is very likely.

we've made a routine or are rather in the process of making one and I'm having alot of fun but.... damn, I miss the whole band experience... and I'm sure you do to.

I realized today though that if corona hadn't of happened then marching band season would already be over and I thought that was crazy because it felt like no time had passed at all.

Anyway I'll stop ranting about me and my season. Tell me how you feel in the comment section about corona ruining your band season, or tell how it didn't because I know some states allowed football games.

Have a good day :)

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