Chapter 5

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The next few days at school are better. The boys stick close to me making sure that Greg and Jade can't do anything. I feel their looks and glares, but they don't try anything with the guys there. I know they will at some point. My wolf looks forward to putting them into their place. I, on the other hand, am dreading the confrontation. I like the boys being near me all the time though. It lets me make sure that they are okay as well.

Silas's mission from the other day didn't turn out too well. North had to bail him out, but not before he was involved in a fight. Silas is well trained and wins most fights he's in. Unfortunately, he was heavily outnumbered. Seeing him coming home with those bruises marking his skin, sent red hot rage racing through me. I've never felt anger like that before. Nathan took me outside and sparred with me. It helped release some of it. I made sure that Silas had everything he needed though. Sean thankfully had some strong pain medicine that knocked him out fairly quickly. I still watched over him until I fell asleep myself.

The longer I attend this school, the more I realize how much I dislike the classes. I like learning, but there is very little learning to be had in any of the classes. The guys try to help me out especially Kota. He has started making little lessons here and there so that I can actually learn things I'm interested in. I still have a lot to make up for. I spent so many years as a wolf. I will need more time to learn how to fully be human again.

The day was pretty uneventful until lunch. The boys have started to claim one of the tables near the back doors of the cafeteria everyday. It allows us to all sit together and we are near the exit so we don't get stuck in the crowds.

Victor, North, and I are heading there. North walks slightly in front of me while Victor walks slightly behind me. Together they make sure no one bumps into me as we walk through the halls. I really appreciate it. My wolf hates walking through the school as it is. Every time someone bumps into me it makes her want to growl at them all.

We enter the cafeteria only to see Mr. McCoy standing over the others at our table. The entire cafeteria is subdued as everyone watches the show. I share a look with North who takes the lead wanting to check on the others just as much as I do. As we get closer, I can hear their voices.

"It was part of the agreement you made with this school," McCoy snaps at Kota. Kota levels his gaze on the man. I could feel his frustration but he didn't let anything show on the outside.

"Sir, as I've told you, we weren't aware of this requirement. If you want to discuss it more you should take it up with Mr. Blackbourne." I can practically feel the steam coming out of Mr. McCoy's ears. He glares at Kota before looking over all of us.

"I expect you all to be properly attired starting next week," he states. His gaze lands on me and lingers. "Or there will be consequences." With that he turns and storms out of the cafeteria. Conversation slowly resumes as we take our seats at the table.

"What was that shit about?" North asks immediately. Kota sighs.

"Apparently, we are supposed to be wearing uniforms in order to set a good example for the rest of the student body," Kota explains.

"What?" Victor immediately remarks.

"The only thing that will accomplish is making us even bigger fucking targets," North states glaring at nothing in particular.

I will handle this. Owen's voice rings through our heads. I can feel his anger through the bond. McCoy came after us when he knew that Owen and Sean wouldn't be around. I let out a breath and relaxed into my seat. I know that Owen will be able to take care of it. He always does.

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