Chapter 12

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"We need a plan," Kota states pacing around the office. The others are all here except for North and Silas who are taking Sang back to the pack house. She needs to rest and those two should make her.

"And we will make one," Owen tells him making Kota stop pacing. They cluster behind his desk thinking things through. We finally have them. The people who abused and abandoned my Pookie. That woman has so much to pay for. I've never forgotten the state we found Pookie in or any of her flashbacks or night terrors. I am worried about the other girl though, Marie. I'm worried that witch turned her violence onto her other daughter once Sang was gone.

The others sit in silence as Kota and Owen work. No one wants to disturb them. Parent conferences were still ongoing, but they could function without us. Pack took precedent over anything else. Pack first.

I swore never to do harm when I became a doctor, but the things I want to do to that witch. She would feel the same terror she sentenced Pookie to. I think she will if the evil looks Owen and Kota are sporting mean anything. It doesn't take them long to figure things out and for a tentative plan to form.

"Before we leave," Kota says drawing everyone's attention. "McCoy cornered Sang outside the girls bathroom right before we ran into her old family."

"What?" The one word felt like it dropped the temperature in the room by ten degrees. Owen stared hard at Kota obviously not liking that he is only just hearing about this.

"We had it under control," Kota explains. "She linked me right away, and we were there within moments. But he was trying to get her to go to his office with him. I don't know what he wanted after that, but it does worry me." Owen waits a moment before nodding.

"We need to keep an eye on him and Hendricks especially around Sang. She goes nowhere alone, understood?" He eyes all of us in the room. The boys parrot back the word. I waltz over to his desk.

"Understood, Owie, now whats the plan?" He glares at my use of his favorite nickname, but then smirks as he walks us through what we are going to do.

"I want to talk to her," I interrupt him.

"The step-mother?" Owen asks incredulously. I shake my head.

"No, Marie," I tell him. "I want to talk to her, separate her from them and make sure she's okay." He nods his understanding and then we head out. Marie's address is listed in her student file. We are in place before they get home.

We are hiding in the shadows of their living room when the car pulls into the driveway. They walk in the door. The step-mother is griping loudly about seeing Sang and what she'll have to do to her. She will never get the chance. The others ambush the parents whereas I sweep in and lead Marie off to the back porch. She doesn't need to see what's about to happen. She stares at me with wide eyes.

"D-Dr. Green? Wh-What's going on?" she stutters out. She shaking next to me, and I hate that we are causing her fear, but it was unavoidable.

"Everything is fine," I tell her sending her a small reassuring smile. I can hear the sounds coming from the house, but she shouldn't be able to with her human hearing. "I need you to be honest with me though." She hesitates, but nods her head. She send a couple of quick glances towards the house.

"I'll t-try," she replies.

"Are you happy here?" I ask her. She opens her mouth to answer, but then closes it again thinking. Tears fill her eyes as she shakes her head. "Are you being hurt?" My question breaks through whatever is holding her tears back. She sobs collapsing onto me.

"Y-yes," she manages to get out. "She is horrible, and he's never here anymore. It's always worse when he's gone." I hold her as she breaks down in front of me. I knew it. I didn't want to be right, but I've gotten good as seeing the signs. I pull back from her so she can see my eyes.

"I can get you away from here," I tell her honestly. "We have connections and can set you up with a safe place to live while you finish school, and can also help with options after that. How does that sound?" She wipes her cheeks and sniffles.

"Too g-good to be true," she answers making me chuckle.

"Come on," I tell her leading her over to where we had hidden one of the cars. "I'll tell you about it on the way." She pauses.

"How do I know you are telling the truth?" she asks. I give her a sad smile.

"Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith," I reply honestly. I can see the gears turning in her head as she thinks it over. Finally, she nods and follows my lead. It doesn't take long to get to the hospital. Dr. Roberts is waiting for me upon arrival. It takes a bit to make her comfortable enough with him to leave. He promises me that he will place the Toma team in charge of her care. She may be human, but that doesn't mean we won't help her.

I head back to the house and find everyone in the basement. They've gotten the two adults in questions tied up on separate chairs. Blood has been spread though mostly from the man. His eyes flash, a wolf. Owen pulls him up as I arrive.

"You will face Academy justice, mutt," Owen promises. Nathan and Kota lead the beaten man out of the house. Owen turns to the woman.

"You have two days to leave town," he tells her. "If any of us see you again, you will be dead. Understand?" I don't know what's he's done since I've been gone, but she nods immediately. The fear in her eyes is justice for Sang. Owen reaches back and cuts her loose before heading upstairs with the rest of us. We leave quietly out the back. I skip up to walk with Owen.

"Man, I missed all the fun," I pout. He rolls his eyes at me, but I know he likes me.

"How is the young Ms. Sorenson?" he asks. I sigh.

"She'll be okay. I left her in Dr. Robert's care and he's going to put the Toma Team on helping her," I tell him. "Even though she is also a victim, I was worried her being in the same house as Sang would set Sang back."

"I agree." We head back to the pack house immediately. Everything cleans up before meeting North in the living room.

"Silas is up with her now. She fell asleep on the ride home. She had a huge bruise on her arm," he states fury in each word. Kota swears.

"McCoy grabbed her arm."

"I will fucking kill him," North states and I've never seen him more serious. "We put some of the bruise cream on it." I nod.

"That's all we can do now."

"She fell asleep almost immediately in the car." I nod again that makes sense.

"Is she going to be okay?" Luke asks quietly. Gabe smacks his head from behind.

"Of course she fucking will, what the fuck are you going on about?" Gabe exclaims making everyone smile. He is right. She will be fine. She has all of us. She has her pack. 

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