Chapter 24

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“You seem happy here.”

“I am happy here.”

“But do you want to stay? That’s what I want to know.”

Hoseok would be lying if he said that there wasn’t a part--a rather large part--of him that didn’t want to stay here. But Hoseok had a whole life away from this place, a whole career, that was waiting for him when he got back.

And as much as he hated it sometimes, he loved his job. And he had worked a long, long time to get to where he was today. He couldn’t just throw all of that way because of one scandal. He refused to.

He was going to come back even bigger and better than ever before, and part of that was going to be due to the time that he had taken off here. Partly due to Taehyung, and his kindness and patience.

“No,” Hoseok said finally. “Not forever. I want to go back, when I need to go back. I want to go to all of the year end shows and I want to have a comeback and I want to go on tour again.”

“Good,” Yoongi said, and looked at him at last. “That’s part of why I came down here, you know. I wanted to know if you were going to come back. It would have been fine either way, you know.”

“I know that. But. I do want to go back. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“Taehyung is great though.”

“He is.”

“And you like him.”

“I do.”

“So then...?”

“My job won’t last forever. And I’m not sure of anything right now, but I do know that my feelings for Taehyung are real, and I know his feelings for me are real. And it won’t be easy, but. Everything else will fall into place, the way it needs to.”

“And that’s all? You’re okay with just that?” Yoongi sounded skeptical.

“Not entirely,” Hoseok shrugged. “But it won’t be forever. And I want things to work out with Taehyung, so I’ll do my best to make sure that they do. And I hope that he’ll feel the same way.”

“Well good for you,” Yoongi said finally, and he smiled, for real now, gums and all. “Now let’s go eat, I’m hungry.”

“Alright, hyung, let’s eat.”

Yoongi ended up staying until dinner time, which was fine since they were all going to go eat anyway, Yoongi’s treat.

“Jimin’s coming too,” Yoongi said, as they walked to the car.

“Really?” Taehyung asked. “He didn’t have to work?”

“Really,” Yoongi agreed. “He said he cleared his schedule.”

“That sure was nice of him,” Hoseok said, and couldn’t hide his grin.

“Yep, it was nice. He said he’d be willing to come for a tryout whenever we were ready for him, too, Hoseok, so. Just. Yeah. I thought it would be nice to talk to him more?”

“Hmm,” was all that Hoseok offered, and he grinned at Taehyung when Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

There were only two restaurants in town, and the second was a barbeque restaurant. This was, of course, where Yoongi wanted to go, and where he would probably end up grilling everything even though Taehyung was going to be the youngest person with them.

The outside of the restaurant was lit up with fairy lights, much like the bed and breakfast had been, but was painted a plain white and only a sign saying MEAT announced what it was to the world. There were a couple of girls milling around outside, and when they saw Hoseok they both perked up immediately. They didn’t do anything except get on their phones, though, not even speaking to him, and so Hoseok paid them no mind.

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