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"Jessie!" I whispered in excitement when I opened another door, at last revealing one of my friends.

He sat up in his cot, rubbed his eyes, and exclaimed, "Tess, I don't believe it! You still look like hell." 

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and hopped to his feet, only to fall to his knees, twitching in agony. I gasped and ran to his side, hovering my hands over him helplessly. He was being shocked just as I had been, but he resisted fully crumpling to the ground, trembling with gritted teeth.

Once he went still, he huffed and said, with a strained grin, "They had to keep it on the highest setting to control me. I think I'm starting to build an immunity." He swiftly stood and threw his arms around me, lifting me a foot off the ground in a crushing bear hug. "It's nice to see you, little sis," he whispered in my ear.

I gave a halfhearted grimace at his nickname when he released me. "You too, Jess. Actually, I'm glad I found you first, so you can be my bodyguard." I smiled, craning my neck to gaze up at him. 

Jessie was built like an ox—less lean and bulkier than Kyle, and even taller. When we lived at the school, he was constantly hunting for extra food to supplement his diet, so he wasn't quite as meager as the rest of us. 

His pupils widened as he noticed the keycard in my hand. "Alright, boss, I'll thrash anyone who tries to get in your way!"

Jessie was easy to be around. He didn't ask how I escaped or stole the keycard—or why my eyes were blood red and my face was quickly swelling after the punch I'd taken. He was immediately ready for action.

We were about to take off running when I exclaimed, "Wait!" Jessie looked at me curiously. "I need to cut out the implant in your neck," I explained.

Jessie knelt down before me, joking that it seemed unwise to allow me near his neck with a sharp blade. 

He stayed silent but tense while I played surgeon. I made the smallest slice I could and pinched the bead out from under his skin; we left the tracker in his bed, hoping that no one monitoring us would notice that anything was amiss.

"Okay, let's go," I said with a sharp exhale. 

We took off, sprinting down the desolate corridors. Jessie kept watch in the hallways while I went from door-to-door, peering my head in each room. Some were empty, but about half revealed more of our family. We were soon reunited with Jade, Kole, Dorian, Ana . . .

I quickly learned to warn everyone not to move until their implants were out. It wasn't pleasant watching them collapse in pain when they jumped up to greet us, though Jessie thought it was hysterical.

Eventually, we split into two groups to more efficiently sweep the building (I'd stolen a second keycard in my fight with the security guard). I warned the other group to avoid the door with a puddle of blood seeping under it, and they nodded with horror in their eyes.

Van had said there were thirteen of us in the facility, so I tried to keep track of the count as we went.

At one point, we passed by a room with an already-open door. I peeked inside, but it was empty—except for a clipboard on a desk. I skimmed the papers clipped to it. After a moment of indecision, I shoved it under my arm to take with me, unsure if it would be worth the effort.

Another doorway revealed a dimly lit downward staircase. Ana refused to descend the ominous steps. I wanted to make sure none of us were trapped down there, so Jessie and I proceeded together. 

The uneven stone steps led us to a strange dungeon-like chamber. The hanging lights above flickered eerily, casting strange shadows against the walls. On each side of us were rows of massive metal doors, padlocked shut. My keycard would be useless here. 

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