TWENTY-ONE | voice.

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"We'll talk more later," Dave said, and Tess's head went quiet.

She continued down the streets, staying on the edge of the riots and cacophony of shouts. Ahead, a group of people vanished in a flash of light as the recruits sent them to the Species. But she wasn't the only one who saw—civilians ran and screamed as people disappeared around them. "They're here!" a man exclaimed, his frantic eyes searching the sky.

Tess rushed forward and caught up to the recruits. "You guys need to be more careful! We don't want to leave witnesses and incite a panic."

One of them stuck out his tongue at her and took off running.

Either they didn't respect her alone, or even Jade would have a hard time keeping them in control. Their time in captivity must have messed with their brains. They seemed stunted, almost too childlike for teenagers.

The riots dispersed as people aimlessly ran for their lives. Tess jogged to avoid looking out of place.

She wasn't able to do much to further the City nor the Species' agendas, just to watch the conflict helplessly. If she had to pick a side, she'd pick neither. She felt tired.

The day passed in a blur of chaos. As the sun set, Shaun packed the teenagers in the vans, then drove Tess to a new safe house. At Jade's instruction, Shaun blindfolded Tess with a black band of cloth. She wasn't allowed to take it off even as the car stopped and they walked into a building.

When someone finally tugged the blindfold off, Tess stared into a glare of bright light. As her eyes adjusted, they met those of someone she vaguely recognized.

It was an older woman with sandy gray-blonde hair—the president of their city. Tess heard Dave gasp in her ear as he saw what she did.

Jade, standing with her hand on the president's shoulder, chuckled. "I thought you might like to see who we captured today, on her way to work. She's one of us now, and she'll do whatever I ask her to."

To demonstrate, Jade commanded, "Stand!"

The president stood, her face emotionless.

"Pretty nifty, huh?" Jade smiled. "I could make her do anything." Her eyes flashed with menace. "Run into that wall at full speed."

The president turned to see which wall Jade was pointing at, then took off.

"Stop!" Tess shouted, unable to take any more of this spectacle.

The president came to a stop with her face inches from the solid stone wall.

Jade stepped forward, getting in Tess's face. "What do you think you're doing?" she sneered. "You do not give orders, I do."

Tess held Jade's dark stare, devoid of any empathy, and said, "Get out of my face."

Jade closed her eyes and shook her head. For a moment, Tess thought her humanity might be returning. When she opened her eyes, Tess swore she caught a glimpse of the old Jade, trapped and afraid. Then her face turned to darkness.

"Take her away," Jade said, waving a hand at her latest minions, two broad-shouldered men who looked like bodybuilders.

Tess noted that Jade seemed paranoid about her safety, keeping bodyguards even when among her own kind.

She turned and started to comply, but the guards grabbed her by each arm anyway, dragging her out the door. She fought a little, wishing they'd let her walk on her own. They barely reacted, tightening their grip, fingers pressed deep into her flesh.

Down a few hallways, they stopped at a door and threw her inside. She stumbled as they closed the door with a loud click that told her it was locked. The room was like a prison cell. It reminded her all too much of how the City had treated them, not as human beings.

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