TWELVE | rogue.

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Tess, of course, didn't hesitate in searching for Kyle. She'd have to act quickly, or Jade would think to send someone there to intercept her. She followed his dot on the map, lungs scorching as she sprinted.

Inside the skyscraper Kyle was stationed at, she hauled herself up dozens of stories, pushing her cardio to the limit. The world was a blur, the numbered floors streaking past her.

When she burst from the stairwell, Shaun was immediately in her face.

"Tess." He reached out and grabbed her arm. "I don't know what you've done, but Jade says you need to be detained. You'll have to come with me."

She wrenched away, but his grip only tightened, fingers digging into her flesh. "Let go, Shaun!" she screamed in his face, huffing with surging rage. He didn't react.

She changed her tactic, staring him dead in the eyes. "You don't belong to the Species. You're an independent being, not Jade's slave or worker drone. You don't have to follow their orders."

He looked confused, his eyebrows drawn together.

"Think for yourself, Shaun. Please."

He shut his eyes, blinked rapidly, then looked at her again. For a short moment, she swore she could see a mask lifted and clarity reach his eyes. But then his face hardened, and he began to drag her.

Tears sprang from her eyes, shocked that her friend would treat her this way. "I don't want to have to hurt you," she whispered.

He just laughed. "Do I need to remind you about human dimorphism? I'm bigger and stronger than you. There's nothing you can do—"

Tess planted both feet on solid ground, coiled to strike. She swung her free arm back, throwing her entire weight into the motion, and landed a solid punch at his throat.

Gasping and choking, Shaun released her arm to clutch at his neck, eyes bulging.

She was about to take off running again when she spotted Kyle running up behind Shaun.

"I was about to step in, but you beat me to it," he said with a proud smile.

"We need to get out of here," she said quickly, grabbing his sleeve and guiding him toward the exit.

He registered her panic, his face shifting. "What happened?"

"I think things may have changed. Irreversibly."

He stared at her, perplexed, as they rapidly descended the stairs.

"I, a bit angry," she explained between breaths, "and I think Jade took it as a betrayal against her. Or maybe against the entire Species."

"What did you do?" There was cautious amusement in his voice.

"I stole her communicator. I found out she's been watching us closely, everything we do. Listening in on our conversations. I'm not okay with it."

He digested this information. "I don't know who would be."

It was quiet for a bit, just the sound of clanking footsteps down metal stairs.

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