Believe It or Not

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It was a seemingly typical afternoon at Canterlot High. The sun was shining as bright as ever, rays striking the beautiful exterior of the school as the students went about their day.

In the courtyard, some of them were gathered in small groups, chatting and laughing, while others simply enjoyed the sunny day, relaxing near the Wondercolt statue, waiting for the next bell to ring in peace and quiet...


Suddenly, a pink pink blur shot from inside the building like a rocket, making some students jump out the way to not be run over as the object crashed with force against one of the faces of the statue's base.


"Ugh..." The blur turned out to be a pink-haired girl who fell to the ground in a daze after hitting the base. "Oh, bummer..." She muttered in disappointment while rubbing her head.

"Again, Pinkie?"  A voice called from behind her, making her to look up to see the worried and slightly annoyed looks of her five friends.

"This is like the fifth time this week you tried to go through the portal!" Her rainbow-haired friend finished while throwing her arms in the air.

"I really thought I was going to make it this time." Her friend replied as Sunset extended a hand and helped her up.

"You know that if Twilight were to open the portal, I would be the first to tell you, right?" The flame haired girl asked.

"I know, I know." Pinkie responded, dusting off her shirt. "It's just... come on, girls! Now that we can open the portal at will, we can go and see a whole new world, with magic! Magic princesses, magic ponies, magic places, and *GASP* maybe magic cupcakes!"

Sunset chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm. "A cupcake will always be a cupcake, Pinkie. Whether it's made from a pony or human."

"Besides, we're not the ones that can open that portal." Applejack added. "Princess Twilight is the only one who can open it from her side."

"Aww! Why couldn't she leave it open?" Pinkie asked, disappointed.

"You know darling that it would be too risky to leave it open all the time." Rarity answered.

"Someone could slip and fall through it," Fluttershy said timidly before shuddering. "...or something on that side could just walk through it..."

"Even if the portal is safe inside Twilight's castle, It's too risky to leave it open all the time." Sunset ended. "More so, we can't risk more magic entering this world. As far as we know, the sirens weren't the only thing that ended up here from Equestria."

The girls looked uncertain at that. Pinkie, on the other hand, looked sadder than ever.

"It's just... I really, REALLY want to meet Twilight on the other side!" She said, eyeing the place where the portal was.

"I know, sugarcube." Applejack said, putting a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. "We would all like to see her again, but we can't do anythin' without Twilight's permission."

Pinkie looked down, disappointed.

"Now, now, dear, no sad faces!" Rarity interjected, joining Pinkie's side. "That doesn't mean we can't ever visit Twilight." She assured her friend. "We just need to ask her next time if she can allow us to visit!"

This seems to spring the pink girl back to life.

"You're right!" She exclaimed with a smile. "And we wouldn't have to wait long!" She glanced at Sunset. "We have your diary, we can just write to Twilight and ask her for a visit!"

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