Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System

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(Sorry this took so long. Stick around to the end of the chapter for some news)

Charlotte was lying on her bed, her back facing the door. Ever since their visit to Ithaquack, she's remained in her bed. The nightmares that would come every once in a while would now come every night. It was absolutely destroying her.

She quickly wiped her tears away when her door opened. "Hey, Charlotte..." Dewey greeted as he poked his head through the door. She raised her hand and waved at him without looking at him. "So, I don't know what happened, but I want to help you feel better. Launchpad invited me over to his place for a special occasion. Do you... want to come with?" Dewey asked. Charlotte thought for a second. She slowly turned to Dewey and nodded her head. "Great! Come on! Let's go!"

At Launchpad's place, Launchpad was picking out his clothes while Dewey and Charlotte were watching an old TV show. The tv show was called 'Darkwing Duck'. Launchpad held up two shirts, each one with a different stain. "Big day, Dewey, Charlotte. Mustard stain or ketchup stain?" Launchpad asked. Charlotte held up one finger, indicating the first option. "Mustard, looks less like blood. What is this weird show?" Dewey asked.

"Whoa, what? 'Darkwing Duck'? The greatest TV show of all time?" Launchpad asked as he went behind a curtain to change. "Ha! Maybe when you were a kid. This hero guy doesn't fly or shoot lasers or anything." Dewey said. "That hero guy is Jim Starling. He was an old-school actor who did all his own stunts. Sure, he got a little banged up in later seasons." He points to the TV as Darkwing Duck tripped and hit the camera, telling the crew to keep rolling. "But that just made him even more heroic." Launchpad said. "Why didn't he just use CGI?" Dewey asked as he took a sip from his cup. Launchpad chuckled. "Real heroes don't need high-tech special effects or basic safety precautions." Launchpad said. Dewey sighed. "What do you think, Charlotte?" Dewey asked. She picked up a nearby pen and paper and started writing on it. 'It's okay.'

Launchpad emerged from behind the curtain in a new outfit. "So, how do I look?" Launchpad asked. Both Dewey and Charlotte gave him a thumbs up. They all entered the limo, with Dewey and Launchpad in the front and Charlotte in the back. They all put on their seatbelts. "Remember Dewey, Charlotte, a true hero thinks with his gut or not at all. Right, DW?" Launchpad pushed down the head of a Darkwing Duck bobble head, the catchphrase 'Let's get dangerous' coming from the bobble head. "What's the special occasion, anyway?" Dewey asked. "I finally got my driver's license!" Launchpad answered. Wait, what!? "Uh, wait, what?" Dewey asked. It was too late as Launchpad reversed the limo through the garage door at top speed as Dewey screamed.

The limo was sent flying through the streets as Dewey continued to scream while Charlotte was clutching into her seatbelt. "How have you been a driver without a driver's license?" Dewey asked. My thoughts exactly! "Hey, come on. I've got a pilot's license, don't I? Wait... don't I?" Charlotte slapped her forehead. "Aren't you worried Scrooge will find out?" Dewey asked. "You kidding? I had them mail the license straight to him, so he'd be first to know." Launchpad sniffed as he wiped his tears. "He's gonna be so proud of me."

They continued on their way to the Money Bin and miraculously parked without them getting into a crash, even with Dewey telling Launchpad to slow down. Dewey was panting from fear as Charlotte was still clutching onto her seatbelt. "I bet Mr. McD's got some kind of party planned for mr big day. Wouldn't want to ruin the..."


Launchpad yelled out to Scrooge's office, but no one was there. Launchpad busted through the doors to the meeting room. "Surprise! He yelled, but no one was there either. Launchpad opened a closet door. "Supplies?" Where is everyone? They entered the elevator after some exploring. "Boy, he's really getting my hopes up. The payoff's gonna be amazing." Launchpad said. Dewey and Charlotte looked at each other worriedly.

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