Escape To/From Atlantis

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They were already setting sail to the lost city of Atlantis in a submarine. Scrooge was at the top with the hatch open, talking to Donald. Everyone else was inside, Charlotte already making herself comfortable on a seat. She saw Dewey climb up the ladder to where Scrooge was, but didn't question it until she heard him yell from above, "Dive, Dive!" Launchpad, who was steering the submarine, gave a small salute. "Aye aye." Launched then began to steer the submarine deeper into the water. "Launchpad, the hatch!" Scrooge yelled. Scrooge gasped as he made Dewey quickly go inside. "Stop the-!" He couldn't finish as some water got inside, even as he was closing the hatch.

Webby and Louie were pumping the water back into the ocean. Dewey slid down the ladder followed by Scrooge, who lifted his top hat to let some water out. He then tossed his phone to Louie. "Talk to your uncle." Louie caught it and began to talk to Donald. "Hey, Uncle Donald. Nope, yeah, pretty boring. Charlotte is doing fine, lying on the couch. We napped, rubbed ointment on our joints. Old people stuff." Webby jumped in. "What about the dragon, and the plane crash, and-." Louie put his hand on his mouth to shut her up. "Whoops, 3:00 p.m. Time for dinner. Bye!" Louie the hanged up the phone. "Why didn't you tell him the truth?" Webby asked. "You didn't tell your grandma we were going to a dangerous underwater city, did you?" Louie asked. "I kinda sorta... didn't tell her anything?" Louie looked at her in disbelief. "Webby, that's irresponsible! She'll be worried sick. Call your grandma this instant, and tell her that you are spending the night at a friend's house, ok? Lying, it's the responsible thing to do." Charlotte listened to that whole conversation and shook her head. Not if you get caught.

Scrooge went over to Launchpad. "Launchpad, have you ever piloted a sub before?" Scrooge asked. "I sunk a helicopter in a wave pool once. Same thing?" He answered. "I've done more with less. No matter, I'm back! Uncharted territory. Bold new discoveries-!" Scrooge was interrupted by Huey. "Heyo! Bingo! I love road trips! I brought snacks, a playlist of traditional sea shanties, matching family road trip shirts!" Huey put a family road trip shirt on Scrooge. "I appreciate the enthusiasm," Scrooge then took off the shirt. "But there's no time."

"Uh, but according to the travel itinerary-." Dewey then shredded the travel itinerary. "Boo! Adventure isn't about planning, it's about doing." Dewey then went up to Scrooge and Launchpad. "So, what can I be in charge of?" Dewey then pressed a button. "The buzz saw-ers?" Scrooge pressed the same button before anything could happen. "No." Dewey then pressed another button. "Sonic cannons?" Scrooge also pressed the button. "What!? No!"
"Hyper dense zero point energy missiles to pierce the scaly hide of a Kraken!?" Scrooge stopped Dewey from pressing anymore buttons. "None of those things are real things. This is you first expedition, so just stand back and watch an old pro... from a safe distance."
"So what is this submarine equipped with?"

Dewey was then strapped down to a seat. "Seatbelts." Scrooge said as he walked away, chuckling. "Heh, nice one Scrooge." Dewey said, struggling a bit on the seatbelt. "The classic Scrooge-Dewey banter. The seasoned but tired explorer passing the torch to his cocky, young successor."

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually know our names."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I think he called me Herbert once."

"Don't be ridiculous. Hey Scrooge! When are we gonna set sail, Scrooge?" Dewey asked. "In a moment, Sonny Jim." Scrooge answered while starting a map. Dewey sat there a bit disappointed. Huey pulled out a family road trip shirt. "I will cram it down your throat." Huey put the shirt away and looked down in disappointment. "Guys, lighten up. We're in a deep sea expedition. With Scrooge McDuck!" Scrooge looked back to see all the kids looking at him with excitement. He got up with a map in hand and made his way to Launchpad. "Mr. McQuack. Chart a course." Webby squealed in excitement. "Next stop, the lost city of Atlantis!" Everyone cheered. "In about 16 hours." Everyone's smile faded until Huey pulled out a stereo. "Shanty time!"

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