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Your stomach is full, and you're comfy in your bed. It's the same night, except later. You were glad it was friday, because you weren't tired and it was already 11pm.

After the mountain trip, Preston suggested going to a restaurant nearby to eat together. You all ended up walking for about an hour trying to find a nice restaurant and then when you did, ended up splitting the food bill. You filled yourself up and we glad you did; the food there was awfully good!

Now, after being home for two hours, you find yourself laying on your bed. Staring at the ceiling, you eyes half lidded, you sigh. Your fingers run against your wall, humming a small tune in your head. You were bored, and unsure what to do.

humming slightly out loud now,  you pull out your phone from underneath your blankets. Noticing a few texts from Neil you open up the notification. It's a meme, and then a text right after saying "shit sorry i meant to send this to Nikki". You narrow your eyes. It seemed unlikely, but you decided to play along.

pfft, all good!

It's then that you focus back on the meme itself. It causes you to snicker to yourself; it's oddly something that fits your sense of humour perfectly.

also, good sense of humour u got

Your about to tap off his text when you notice he read your text. Your eyes widen as he then starts typing. A smile curls at your lips; he was a fast replier. Those are the best type of people.



You blink a couple times. You hadn't seen someone use the emoticon ":o" since 2018. Your smile shifts into a grin. You oddly missed it. It gave some sense of... Comfort, in a weird way.

i saw u at Burger Queen a couple hours ago

Your eyes widen. Neil was there? You didn't see him. Titling your head slightly, you think about when you, Preston, Nerris and Harrison were there. You stayed inside the fast food place for awhile, he mightve been in there but you were too focused on your friends.


SORRY that sounded kinda creepy uhm i went to pick up food for nikki and max and i happened to see you

You let out a quiet "Oh" under your breath before nodding your head to yourself. Maybe you were semi-crazy, talking to yourself like a weirdo. But it was comforting. You found Neil's typing pattern oddly comforting. He was funny.

it didnt sound creepy lol

you should've said hi!

I wouldve but max wouldve been angry that I didnt get back fast enough

he was hungry

whats max like?

His quick replies and typing suddenly stopped. He would type, would stop, just to continue typing and stop. The bubble would pop up and disappear every few seconds, and it oddly worried you. Was it an odd question? Were you being rude? You didn't mean it in a bad way, you were just curious.

Would he get angry at you? Your eyebrows furrow. That would be stupid. You can't tell what's being irrational anymore.

hes an odd person. doesnt talk a lot n just grumpy, honestly

Lies  - Max X Reader [✓] (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now