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Adjusting the bag on your shoulders, you make your way out the house. You blink the tiredness away, rubbing your eyes with a sigh. You didn't sleep great. You walked to school, as you lived pretty close. Just a couple streets away. A morning walk would wake you up, right? You hope so.

The faint sound of chattering could be heard, you heard the birds tweeting, and the sound of someone panting... Wait, the sound of someone panting? You turn around, just to be knocked to the ground.

You squeak, wincing slightly as your hands scrape against the ground, rocks getting into your skin.

"Ah! S-Sorry, new kid!"

You blink a couple times, fixing your vision as you look up to the figure who crashed into you. It was Neil, the apparent nerd of the "comedy trio™️". Brown curly hair, shiny blue eyes filled with concerned, he stared down at you. You look at his extended hand, it reaching out to you. You quickly take it and lift yourself up.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. Why are you running?" You ask confused, the two of you standing there as the wind blows both your hair and his. "Why? It's nine thirty! I'm— WE'RE t-totally late!" He stammers, basically twitching from anticipation. He wanted this conversation to end as fast a possible so he could just go to school!

You blink. Nine thirty? You quickly pull out your phone. No way, it was seven thirty. "I think you have the wrong time." You state, showing him your screen. He freezes, blinks a couple times, confused, then takes a closer look at your phone. You start to wonder if maybe you have the wrong time.

Before you could voice out your thoughts, Neil let's out a low sigh. "Nikki changed the time in my phone again, didn't she? S-Sorry about that. Y/n, right?" Neil asked, chuckling nervously. You nod your head, humming. "The one and only. Wanna walk to school together, Neil?" You ask.

He nods his head. "Y-Yeah..! Sure. Uh.. Say, how do you know my name?" He asked, as the two of you start walking at a regular pace. "Nerris, Preston and Harrison told me about you guys. Comedy trio?" You chuckle at the name. "Nothing bad, don't worry." You hum.

Well, that was debatable; you didn't think it was bad.

You hear him sigh in relief. "That's good... Say, what grade are you in?" Neil asked with a small chuckle. You hum. "I'm a junior. How about you?" You glance at him in the corner of your eyes. "Heh, I'm a senior." He gives you a nervous smile.

"Ooh, you're graduating soon! I wish I could graduate. I hear Junior year is the worst year." You state. Neil chuckles. "My junior year wasn't that bad, i'm sure you'll be fine." Neil grins. You smile softly, nodding your head the two of you make your way to school.


"No way! Neil walked to school with you?" Nerris gasped. Preston snickered. "He's gotta think you're cute or something. He's so antisocial, the damn nerd. Tell us, how much did he stutter?" Preston quirked an eyebrow, a grin still visible.

Your cheeks flush a light pink colour. "I was the one who offered to walk to together! P-Plus he didn't even stutter that much, you guys are over thinking this." You stutter nervously, playing with a strand of your hair as you keep glancing out the window.

The comedy trio still sat underneath the tree, chatting amongst themselves and having fun.

With the teasing from your new friends, you can't help but stare at Neil a bit longer than the other two. Observing his features. He wasn't not attractive, you'd have to admit. But the most physically attractive out of the three was definitely Max.

Lies  - Max X Reader [✓] (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now