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Dictionary definition: Queer is a word that describes sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender.

My definition: Any identity in LGBTQ+.

Flag meaning: I'm speculating here but it looks like blue for masculine or masculine-based identities, pink for feminine or feminine-based identities and the green/yellow white for other identities. This is just what I think it represents, you can have your own interpretation of it.

Flag created: Unknown.

Celebrities: I found an entire Wikipedia subculture so here is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gay,_lesbian_or_bisexual_people

Media: Once again, I am giving you some Wikipedia and going against my education: 


Other: Some people still use this a slur, so some people are offended by it. Just be careful if people may take offense to the word. 

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