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Dictionary definition: Pansexuality is sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity.

My definition: Pansexuality is an attraction to people regardless of gender. Kind of an attraction to personality.

Flag meaning: Pink is for the attraction to females, blue for the attraction to males and yellow for the attraction to non-binary genders.

Flag created: 2010 somewhere on the Internet* by an unknown source.

Celebrities: Brendon Urie (singer), Bella Thorne (actress), Janelle Monáe (actress), Courtney Act/Shane Jenek (drag queen)

Media: Captain Jack Harkness (Dr. Who), Lando Calrissian (Star Wars), Loki (MCU), a few minor characters.

Other: Stop it with the 'attracted to literal pans' joke. It's not funny.

*Sorry for the vagueness of this source.

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